21 Savage

Bush won an election by a pretty sound margin less than 15 years ago and already it’s nearly impossible to find anyone who will admit they actually voted for him. The most you’ll get is “Well I didn’t support Kerry, but I had some misgivings about Bush’s economic policy and didn’t cast a ballot for president”.

In 10

I said it back then and I still say it today. The biggest issue with her statement is that she said the amount of deplorables was only “about half of his supporters”. It’s really more like 80-90% or more. 

This Online Progressive take of “Trump wasn’t racist until Pelosi used her witchcraft to make him racist” is a really weird one and I don’t think I agree.

Was that before or after he took a swipe at Orlando Arcia’s nuts in the NLCS?

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is going to be the next Governor of Arkansas, so their run of staying out of the spotlight is going to end quickly.

It’s definitely because it was The Root. Reddit has a huge disdain for black people except for a few “good ones” (Morgan Freeman, Shaq & Chuck, sometimes Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock, end of list).

“Trump and his cronies disgust me. That’s why I’m going to repeat every single one of their talking points verbatim.”

TBF, right now pretty much every location for the PGA Championship is selected up through 2031, so they could have picked this course back in like 2007 when not even in anyone’s wildest dreams would Trump become the world political epicenter.

But if the PGA wanted to “stick to sports” they would have pulled all events

I don’t think there’s any allegations that she sexually assaulted anyone. But I’m personally not gonna shed a tear for some johns who had their wallets emptied. 

1. $0.99 Arizona Iced Teas

2. Flaming Hot Cheetos

3. ..........

He’s a 2nd year 6th round draft pick already on his 2nd team. They’ll give him a lifetime ban because the league won’t miss him and they can feign being really strict on this.

But if he was a starting caliber player, yeah, two games. 

I almost feel bad for Lindsey. He’s clearly been angling for a cabinet position for the last 18 months, but he keeps getting passed over for these reboots of old W Bush appointees. Unless maybe his game is to try to replace Pence on the ticket next year?

Just wait for the articles we’ll be seeing 12 months from now on Splinter. As the convention gets closer, you’ll see a big winding down on criticism of Trump, a bunch of puff pieces about Jill Stein, and tons of hand-wringing about “Are we really sure Kamala/Warren/Biden/Whoever Wins actually has our interests at

How does he square this position with his opinions on Confederate monuments?

Just kidding. I know these people have no consistent thoughts and can’t see any hypocrisy. 

The major networks managed to effectively black out Kellyanne Conway from media appearances because she wouldn’t stop lying on camera. Why do other people in this admin get better treatment than her? They’re all the same. The 3 letter networks have no obligation to continue giving camera time to these ghouls. Are

I want to see an interview with the Michigan LG and LT just to find out what they were thinking during this. You know the play is a run to the left, so you don’t even bother touching Clowney? It’s not like they got beat, they just straight up ignored him and said “Hey, there’s no way this could go horribly wrong”.

After seeing the snap disparity it makes me wonder why teams don’t just tag players as long snappers or a punters?

Yup. Runners did it to try to cause an errant throw towards first in order to get a runner from 3rd a clear shot at a run.

I’m guessing that according to the police report the Civic failed to stop at a stop sign and the Jeep was going through the part of the intersection with no signage.