21 Savage

Hayward just seems like he’s consistently a net negative on the court. It’s almost impossible to believe he was a consensus All Star 2 years ago when you watch him today. He’s probably still hurt, but I don’t know what the Celtics are supposed to do? Have a guy not play for 2+ full seasons of a 5 year max contract?

I often wonder how bad guys like Hackenberg are really. Like, say you took a 26 year old man off the streets who played a little high school QB, didn’t get any scholarship offers, and assume he at least kept in decent athletic shape since high school, would he have made a pass as horrible and bone-headed as that 2nd

1. I’m guessing more billionaires do stuff like this than not. The odds of being caught are pretty miniscule to the point where it probably doesn’t seem like a “risk” at all.

2. Probably because he thinks he’s being discreet. If he wanted to pay someone to bring him a hooker, then he’d have to make a few calls, find a

NFL Network and CBS Sports Network. The AAF also streams the games on their website sans commentary. 

Are Asian massage parlors universally sex work fronts? I mean, I’ve noticed them in a lot of places I’ve lived, and I’ve assumed that *some* of them were for sex work. But I always thought that the majority were legitimate massage parlors getting lumped in with a stereotype. Is that not true?

It’s hard for me to care a lot about him hustling out pop flies. I mean, those are so rarely dropped in the MLB I can’t blame someone for not worrying about it. And I also don’t like nebulous criteria like “can’t get it done when it matters most”. But I really wouldn’t want someone who’s universally known as a dirty

No way he plays again. The first time he throws an interception it’ll be Bottlegate 2.0. Plus I doubt any owner wants to deal with all the inevitable bomb threats their stadium will get once they sign him. 

What’s the source on those NFL offers? Your ass?

I often wonder if guys like this have dirt on the boosters or administration. 

I love watching the war between the Lebron lovejerk from Deadspin writers vs the Lebron hatejerk from Deadspin commenters.

The “far superior” Boston offer is just Boston homers overrating their players. Tatum looks like a future all star. Brown might be good one day? The jury is still out. Unless the offer includes Kyrie, they’re just offering a bunch of rotational bench guys + Tatum, which I don’t see as that big of an upgrade over the

When was Lebron on the winning end of a ridiculously one-sided trade? The Korver trade? He was on the losing end of the one-sided Kyrie trade. I struggle to remember how he’s “always gets to make ridiculously one-sided midseason trades”. Maybe you can help me out?

He’s really well-connected and has a lot of access. I don’t really know how, but it’s a thing now. If you’re into science, tech, sports, and politics (which fits just about the entire white male 18-35 demographic) he has a lot of interesting guests. I don’t think many people really tune in to hear Joe Rogan

I really only listened to him sporadically around the 2016 election. Before the election, he was pretty pro-Trump. Like, “This guy is really gonna shake things up” and “He’s saying all the right things”. He always stopped short of outright endorsing him or saying that’s who he was gonna vote for. Plus Rogan is

None of those credentials you listed make him an expert on politics, philosophy, or sociology, which is where his fame began and is his biggest moneymaker. If he stuck to clinical psychology, the field he’s actually an expert and intellectual in, he wouldn’t have nearly close to the following he does today. 

If I had to decide what’s worse between Oprah promoting Jenny McCarthy and Dr Oz vs Joe Rogan promoting Gavin McInnes and Jordan Peterson, I’d probably say Oprah’s sins are worse... But it’s really, really close.

Do you not remember Packers Twitter on the day Janis got released?

I’d enjoy the trash talk and trolling and whatever if he could at least fess up when he should have played better. The way he cries whenever someone dishes it back to him just makes him look like a thin-skinned baby.

Mastodon came up like 20 years ago. I think their career trajectory would be a lot different if they started in 2018-19. 

I hope the ref responded to Blake “You’re up by 14 in the 4th and the Wizards want to lose. Let us get back to our hotel rooms”