
Subaru may finally have figured out how to make the WRX too ugly for enthusiasts.

Left rear looks 1.5 psi off. Dealership used an Analog gauge.

Well, one 20th of a billion in this case. The ownership of the few half billion ones seems to have been sorted already.

Does the world really needs another Android device ?

I think Canada is doing this wrong.

While the Liberal government’s new goals are certainly ambitious, I don’t think anybody realistically expects them to be met given how this country has failed to meet most of their existing goals.

Saying Canada is more progressive on well, anything, isn’t exactly going to cause anyone to be surprised.

I mean it only costs a dollar

Looks like a cartoon car.

I am not seeing any beef. Not even anything resembling meat at all.

It for blinker fluid 

As a Quebecker where we have high hydroelectricity resources (thus somewhat cheap electrolysis) am all for green hydrogen.

Must be for an Amazon worker.

Crumple Zone, it hasn’t it.

It’s a clean design, that somehow manages to look more Lamborghini than the Urus.

A little TOO ironic?

Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?

FIFTEEN MINUTES? That is truly ridiculous

The #1 cause of fuel pumps being slow is that I’m already late to wherever I’m heading.

It may just be psychological but I swear is someone else is pumping on the other side of me it goes slower.