
Shit. I confused Crown with Century. I don’t actually know if the Crown is available with wool.

I think the meme was the result of crummy plastics and that GM seem to attract a large share of buyers who just didn’t bother taking care of their cars. I knew several people who had this platform with various badges and I don’t think they ever went to a mechnic unless something was already broken. Even then, they ofte

I’m not a lobster fan, but I suppose it’s better than always having crabs.

Look at the bright side. Maybe the Crown will introduce North Americans to the luxury of good wool upholstery and bring an end to this leather madness.

Four speed in 1992? If this had two more doors, I’d guess it was taxi spec.

Time to recycle rental cars!

Now playing

Is it a Land Rover or is it a Range Rover? Istanbul or Constantinople?

The Morning Shift. This story was originally posted on...

Don’t forget shapes! Use lots of shapes and get a higher grade!

If the photo is anything to go by, you’ll be emptying the trunk every time you need your charging cable.

e-clit. Never find your car in the parking lot again.

Or chewed up by off road vehicles.

You can’t even join the right set.

Or shitting in the woods edition.

Stockholder syndrome.

Meh. File it under “Texas Good Enough”.

Finally a working invisibility cloaking device to protect black drivers!

Let me guess. The builder did this just to troll the DMV.

Larry needs a leisure suit.

So, you have a (presumably) close to delivery mileage five year old Dodge Dart?