Andy Troyanos

Tori Amos singing Tom Wait's "Time" on the first Letterman show after 9/11. Getting goosebumps just thinking about it.

"I Want You" is the song that gets me every time I've ever heard it, including the studio version, but live as well. I remember seeing him go off mike at the end of the song, in a large concert hall and the audience just sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the tension to release. Fiona Apple does an

Ok there are a few. Movies, 2 David Lynch experiences. Seeing Blue Velvet in 86 in Kenmore Square, 10 or 11 show. Sitting in a packed theater and the audience not knowing how to react. Mulholland Drive, knowing my mind had been blown and not knowing why or what I had just seen. Totally blindsided. The end of

Similar to the Simpsons Rake gag, Steve Martin making the coffee in "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid". He starts slowly pouring the coffee into the maker and keeps slowly pouring for almost 30 seconds. At one point it looks like he's done and then starts up again. Never fails to bring tears to my eyes.

Wrong actor, not Shimura.

I disagree about Seth Myers and his lead of the writing staff. Too often in the past few years a majority of the skits have been one joke premises with nothing really moving once the joke was out. It relied too much on recurring characters who often times grated on the nerves after their third or fourth appearance.