The kicker? Everyone in London has a French accent.
The kicker? Everyone in London has a French accent.
I'm reminded of the ending of Wanted.
Will it be like the Pokemon TCG for Gameboy??? That was such an amazing game. Please come to other consoles, preferably all of them. Actually, I think this would be an awesome Facebook game too. All of this assuming it isn't F2P
I'm not positive that Rogue is getting a PC release. What I would love to know is if Rogue would at least get PS Now compatibility so I could play it on my PS4 instead of swapping consoles!
You must not understand Middle-Earth Mythology, the ghost is the maker of the rings of power, and he is asking Gollum about Sauron because Gollum wore the ring for so long, he can speak to the ghost and see him, and he also knows of Sauron's whispers. Basically the ghost you are part of in the game is the maker of the…
Depends on who you ask. We've had reports that it results in lesser performance.
Ridiculous Jack Bauer Quote of the Week: "The only way we can stop this from happening is if we find Margot fast, so wake the bitch up."
Why isn't this video in 1080p?
I read soemwhere it resembles high settings on PS4...Not sure where it is for XBO though.
Isn't the 60fps on Wolfenstein: The New Order giving people headaches? Or the 48fps of The Hobbit movie?
Ummm No cause the movie is actually great....Unlike the Rami movies, perfect NOPE but for it's flaws it's a great movie.
Spider-man 2 is just as terrible....People seriously need to take off their rose colored nostalgia glasses...Yeah swinging was great and that's about it.....It's still just as bad as Spider-man 1 and 3 the game
Since then we've seen the same problem in Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Man 3, Spider-Man: Friend or Foe, and Spider-Man: Web of Shadows.
Imagine if this was on WiiU and the phone and mini-map were on the Gamepad? It's a fantastic no-HUD solution.
The real news is: we're still releasing PS2 versions in 2013!?!?!? Weeks before a PS4 launches? Has it happened before that a console that's TWO gens behind sees an official release ever before? Homebrew games on Dreamcast or Genesis or reproduction carts don't count.
XOne and PS4 both have Physx support, Nvidia announced that themselves.
Static foliage is one of the biggest immersion breakers in gaming for me, and they've just removed all concern. Looks absolutely beautiful in motion.
Yeah. The foliage was the thing that stuck out to me the most. Not only the rendering of it all, but the way that each leaf or blade of grass is a separate object and can be manipulated as such by rain, wind, etc.
Especially the part at roughly 0:16 in the video. I wasn't expecting the game to look this good, but I'm…