Andy Gilleand

This site seems to have some kind of weird contempt for the long time fans of the series, while the game rewards them for being long time fans. I thought the reintroduction of Desmond was brilliant, and something the fans have been wanting for a long time. I think the game redeems AC3's ending, and I think it does a

I bought a 60gb PS3 at launch, I installed Linux on it, but I no longer have my original launch PS3 because the Blu-ray drive failed on it and Sony replaced it with a slim. I also don’t still have my gamestop receipt from the preorder or anything. Can I still do this?

I’m guessing the new cable will be a single plug instead of two like the current model.

I (the editor of this movie) feel like I tend to put a bit more work into my movies than some of the other channels out there (which is why they take longer for me to make). I always make sure to be very familiar with the game and story before I even begin, and often record multiple takes of everything. I also work

to be fair the new game contains a fairly open map that has probably 2-3 hours worth of content on its own, aside from the more linear segments.

That would be awesome if done right. Access to all previously purchased steam games on PS3/PS4, and cross platform access to any future purchased games as well.

In so ways the Saturn had better hardware than the PS1. It even had a dual core cpu (actually 2 separate CPUs but same difference) and developers just didn't know how to use that back then.

The day night cycle was not missing from Unity....

Floppies are magnetic media, not optical, and mechanical like HDDs. And yes you can still get brand new floppy drives.

Definitely, but failure is more frequent with mechanical drives.

Like I said, some games use licenses, and some dont. I'd say most don't.

Exactly. This kind of thing can happen to literally any digital game, and has happened in the past a few times as well. As games get older, this will become more and more common, as it just doesn’t make sense to continue hosting games people aren’t downloading much.

Assuming discs are kept in their case on a shelf,

That’s not true. Not all games are restricted to play via license. In fact most games aren’t.

all mechanical hard drives fail

Holy crap. I make movies from games for my youtube channel. If this is as good as it looks, I might just have to do a GTAV movie, or at least episodic series. (I didn’t do it before because of the length and number of stories in the game)

I'm pretty sure they have literally taken him hostage

I love Unreal Engine 4 but it's pretty terrible at rendering water. It doesn't offer good options for transparency, so if you want water with realistic reflections you can't really have any transparency. If you want transparency you don't get as many options for shading and reflection. They need to work on this.

that's definitely using the same kind of texture scaling technology as f-zero

Mig-29 was a 3d combat flight simulator too. I guess the difference was that they didn't use textures.

No there were entire 3d games, like flight simulators and stuff like that.