Steve's dying message to Tim was never ever to ask what would Steve do. I hope Tim actually acts on it by bringing larger iPhone & smaller iPad and Macbook Pro with both HDD & Macbook Air SSD minus superdrive to the market.
Steve's dying message to Tim was never ever to ask what would Steve do. I hope Tim actually acts on it by bringing larger iPhone & smaller iPad and Macbook Pro with both HDD & Macbook Air SSD minus superdrive to the market.
Yahoo Mail works perfectly anywhere in the world. It's just a lot less pretty than hotmail & gmail.
Almost every Chinese-built software only runs on Windows XP, everything else runs on Windows 7. Use a Mac or Linux and you'll be OK.
Because Orange is someone's favorite color. For instance: mine.
5-finger socks are great. Won't switch back to a regular anytime soon.
Being a pig farmer that day sucks. Imagine all your effort raising the pig over the years got wasted because some stupid God could have cast them out out to mushrooms instead of your hard work.
I agree. If you're a DIY person, for now there's Moshi Screen thing for the Mac that makes your Macbook Pro matte.
Google's "Don't be Evil" actually means, "Don't be evil because Google is evil and if you chose to become like us, we'll sue the hell out of you"
Your children's classmates whose parents are working for Samsung Mobile Division, are taught to copy your children's homework and (if they get caught, they will) tell the teacher that there's no other way to finish that homework besides the way your children did.
Thou Shalt not forget Blackberry.
Apparently that's not what Apple is doing. For instance: Safari is much slower than Chrome; iPhone 4s has battery problems that no Android phones ever had; and Samsung Galaxy phones & tab are binge-eating iOS market share like crazy.
As long as the wings haven't fallen off it's still okay.
It's because NASA and the Russians kept flying and disposing their junk into space. And now China.
That has always been the case in Indonesia. PCs (let alone Macs) had small adoption rate except in offices because they were all only available in English.
How can it be fake after seeing some people around me has similar symptom?
If that's the case, there will be police & medical reports. Problem is most of the time those girls have sex with just anybody who has a penis.
"America Doesn't Want Crappy Electric"
How is it the author concluded that iPhone is the market leader?
Isn't that the minimum, not the maximum? Don't worry, some crazy manufacturer will build 1080p Windows 8 tablet.