Andy Foead Wirya

I'm a Republican and I think Harley Davidson is not at fault and should deny his warranty claim.

In [carrying the flag of the Italian Navy on the cars], Ferrari pays tribute to one of the outstanding entities of our country, also in the hope that the Indian and Italian authorities will soon find a solution to the situation currently involving two sailors from the Italian Navy.

On February 15th of this year two military personnel an Italian Navy vessel shot and killed two approaching Indian fisherman near the coast of India.

I did use Winamp. The reason I stopped using it:

The chick's hot

For the last time Jalopnik, it does not look like a Delorean.

Walk out? Better sue ebay instead for 5 gazillion dollars for not enforcing its own non-selling policy.

If the jet is just gonna be strapped like pictured above, the jet is gonna warp that platform before somebody realizes it and push the emergency stop button.

You mean Indonesia

buy the last year's model from B&H photography. Maybe there's no sales tax depending on where you live.

$1999. Apple products are averagely $200-300 more expensive than comparable HPs.

$4000 macbook pro makes sense only for screaming Mac Pro users.

Some dude buy pink phones for their girlfriends / wives. Turned out the girls didn't like them so, those dude ended up using them.

You are what's eaten by what you eat. Grasshoppers eat healthy stuff, much like snails. Should keep an open mind as we did the first time we tried raw fish A.K.A sushi.

german girls are hot. Even if they're not, with months of not seeing ladies at all, thou shalt not forget Men has needs.

Take your ass to engadget. This is why I love gizmodo.

In Indonesia cars owners will sometimes prefer riding motorcycles. The traffic jam & gas price to monthly income ratio is bad here. With motorcycle, both traffic jam & expensive gas price problem is solved all at once.

Those only affects windows machines right? Windows XP in particular.

He may drive with open window

Maybe it's because base 10 vs binary file size.