
Why is this a story, again...? At WWDC this year, Apple announced the same thing: build your apps now because Lion is coming out in July. And the same for iOS5 because it's coming in the fall. It's no real secret as to what month the new OS will ship.

Planking is racist now...? Oh please. It's stupid, but hardly racist. The idiot rapper Xzibit, whoever he is, needs to quiet down a bit and tone down the over-inflated self-importance. I'm sure he could figure out a way to claim that picking one's nose is racist too.

It doesn't make sense to you. To him it makes sense because he's building a collection and all those games are worth more if they're in brand new condition. Don't judge, just because you don't see it his way.

I totally agree. How foolish of Giz.

Sorry, but vinod1978, but we had "inner cities" long before Reagan ever entered politics. As Justin writes, the social programs that are in place to supposedly fix the problem of poverty and hunger and so on are simply making it worse. I would invite you to read "Basic Economics" by Thomas Sowell, in which Dr.

Mark 13:32 says: "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."

That's it? I thought they would do more than that, and with a better fold. That was poor.

No need to get nasty about it. This government goes into debt at the rate of $3.5 billion per day, so a billion and a half (almost) would only cover less than half of one day of their spending.

This wood would look cool on a custom-made music instrument, but on the floor it looks pretty lousy.

Which is he, a Republican or a Tea Partier? The two are very different. Not that you would know that.


I have a leather briefcase I bought with a Dell computer I bought 12 years ago. The computer is long gone, but I keep my Mac in the briefcase now. That sounds pretty renewable/reusable to me!

Is it really necessary to write "ourh coahl und oil vont last forrevarr"? Won't the normal spellings work?

Seriously, who gives a crap.

Speaking of refurbished MacBooks, I bought my Macbook as a refurb several years ago (in 2007) and it has been an absolute champ. No problems whatsoever. If I remember correctly, I think Apple gave it the same warranty as a "new" piece of hardware.

I'd put Giz in that triangle somewhere, too!

@DrBoom: Mmm hmm. Does DARPA and NASA build their own jets? How about JPL? I think Lockheed Martin (private enterprise, again) builds jets for all of them, maybe with some Rockwell Collins and Boeing in there as well. I'm sure some research is done by these groups (I certainly don't fault them, in fact I like

@skylr616: Hello skylr. I see it exactly the opposite. I think any corporation would be thrilled to have new advancements: 1) because it's something new to sell the consumer and 2) the ability to generate money by providing something no one else can sell you.

@cc: Yes, I do believe that, because they have a financial interest to do so. As a matter of fact, a lot of larger concerns would *have* to do that in order to stay in business given the competitive nature of the marketplace. Any company that doesn't research new products/cures/technology to bring to market probably