
@cc: Hello cc. I'm cool with that. But again, how has all that research been financed? That money has to come from somewhere. I contend it comes from money that is taxed away from companies and other wealth producers, which also do research, and take a risk on that research investment by taking those products to

@citaro: Seriously, dude, where does that money come from? Like, China? Or, like... you know, printing presses?

@Rico: I'd be fine with most of government being cut. They're HUGE, out of control, and thanks to them we collectively have $14,000,000,000,000 worth of debt to our names. What do we have to show for that? Not too much, unfortunately.

The President can talk about improving technology all he wants, but the truth is that government doesn't do JACK EXCREMENT to further technology. This is done by private enterprise. As a matter of fact, government doesn't function at all without that work, or the work of any of our other industries.

@Sundried: Guten tag, Sundried. I know knocking the US is vogue these days, but it's my home and it sure beats the others. Germany is nice, but your endless laws (like being fined if I make too much noise cutting my grass?!) and endless taxes aren't for me. If that's your thing, have at it. I'll be enjoying my

@jcrane2: Righto, jcrane. The experienced developer knows this is a Luhn check.

@shan164: Actually, yes. It's my opinion, not yours. :)

@SBM_from_LA: That's true, this current regime sucks pretty bad. Maybe when the adults are in charge again things will be better.

I'm glad to live in the US. Who cares about the other countries and how much energy they use. Truth be told, I'm sure they'd prefer to live here too.

Southwest is awesome. They're my first choice when I fly, and I only fly with others if I need to go someplace they don't service.

Get over yourself. If AT&T sucks so bad, don't use them. I sure don't. knowing they suck so bad, and then consciously making the choice to use them, and then cursing at them in the end (!) only makes you look like the idiot.

I used to live in Maryland and the Concorde would occasionally fly over on it's way to Dulles Airport. It was LOUD! What an incredible plane; too bad they're no longer in service.

I've never had a use for these people. It's clear I still do not have a use for them. They can take their idiotic "format" and pound sand.

This is the coolest app I think I have ever seen. Yes, I said it, and I meant it. How cool.

Why did they bother. It probably cost them more to pay their staff to update the web site than it will generate in sales.

It's not the workers I am upset with — they're simply doing what they're being told. It's the heavy-handed, hard-line approach from Janet Napolitano and the other clowns running the TSA who don't seem to care about our concerns. The front-line TSA people, for the most part, seem to be caught in the middle.

This is security theater.

I'm not flying until this crap is over. This government is out of control.