
@Rock517: Well, they don't sell the 330 anymore, just the 328i and the 335i.

@dano2664: The rumors are that the new EPA ratings are particularly harsh on Diesels. We'll have to see what real world numbers bring once the new wave of diesels come out, but I would expect something between the EPA numbers and the Euro numbers for most drivers.

@Ash78: I agree completely, I think these will suffer the same fate as the GM Two-Mode Yukons and Tahoes: The people who truly need the SUVs won't buy them, and the people who care about fuel economy but don't really need the SUV will look elsewhere and find something even more fuel efficient.

Still can't comprehend why they won't put an AWD system in it, seems to me like a focused, borderline unlivable, rally-car-for-the-streets would eat the lunch that Subaru and Mitsubishi have left sitting on the table with their Everyman's STI/EVO.

@DodgeDriver: Find me a single car that sells in the US for the exact same price after conversion that it does in the UK.

With regards to price, Diesel prices fluctuate somewhat independently from Gasoline prices.

Chevy must have been paying attention to the gravy train that is the Unlimited number of Limited Edition Mustangs.

Look, VW knows what it's doing by not bringing over the Scirocco. The last thing the US market is clamoring for right now are small, fun to drive, fuel-efficient vehicles... er...

Holy unsprung weight, Batman!

Well, we do make really good beer now...

Meh. would have looked better in flat black.

Yeah yeah yeah, but are they going to make a CTS-V wagon? That's what everyone (and by everyone, I mean just me) wants to know.

@POLAЯ free since mid June: Yes but in this case the dealer is not the supplier. GM is the supplier, the dealer is a middleman who, because of the screwed up way in which car manufacturers have chosen to distribute their products, finds himself in a position of arbitrage. He (or she) has produced nothing, offered no

Car dealers are fucking scum. They exist purely to screw the customer as effectively as possible. GM should slap them with a contractual clause that gives 90% of the markup as a bonus to the engineers and designers who worked on the program.

@TheTooth: He's Cuban, you ignorant troll.

Pretty soon they're not even going to bother to sell these cars, it's just going to be an unofficial prototype racing series at the 'Ring.

@impreza: Yeah I don't think the "regular" 911s have to compete directly against the GT-R but the GT3/GT2/Turbo certainly do. I think Porsche should take the "add lightness" motto to heart and attack the GT-R where the complicated AWD GT-R has no chance of catching up: Curb Weight and driver feedback.

+1 on the "make a mid-engined replacement for the 911" train. It's not like those vestigial back seats are good for anything, and the only Porsches a true gearhead would buy don't have them anyway (GT2/GT3). They could make it look just like a 911, but move the engine forward and give it a (small) true trunk.