I[ve never had sex
I[ve never had sex
I bet a lot of people on that list made their donations from the wall phone in the kitchen.
Maybe you should be sitting down when I tell you this...he lied.
That might be overly harsh on Rose, depending on what really happened. There’s nothing wrong with that situation if everyone was there voluntarily. If that was the case, and the charges were just a money grab, then how they treated her on the stand is completely justified.
If someone claimed I raped them, but I didn’t, I wouldn’t treat them too well...
As many others have said in earlier updates: Thank you, Diana and company, for your refreshingly un-Gawkerish coverage of this...thing. Who knew that an (essentially) otherwise unreported story could make for such a compelling read without editorializing and zero jokes per post? I don’t know if this has been some kind…
I think it was inbetween. I’m sure Doe was under the influence of alcohol [but not pass-out/black-out/slurring/stumbling drunk] and/or weed and coke (they were partying, after all); I suspect she agreed to group sex, and the next day finally put the pieces together that Rose didn’t give a shit about her and basically…
One one hand, I feel like this is just another case of a high profile celebrity getting the silky glove of money justice.
On the other, I can see why someone like him can be a target of “we had a wild night of multiple partner sex and now you owe me everything or I’m calling the rape dogs on you”
Plenty wrong with them reaping the benefits of a union contract without paying into said union
Union employer here. Most of the employees are paid the same (different rates for superintendent, foremen, journeymen.) There are degrees of skill within the workforce, but most of the workers are competent and have been through the apprenticeship. The ones who aren’t competent don’t last and won’t work enough to gain…
It is not true that unions only favor incompetent employees. Take for example a union construction worker who has been through an apprenticeship. These workers have a minimum amount of skill, and most become efficient workers. Because of unionization, every member makes an amount that is far above what most of the…
Somebody’s gotta fix the machines when they stop working. Plan your job skills accordingly so you can then be exploited for subsistence pay.
This is the one time Microsoft would love people calling the tablets iPads.
The right wing has never been for actual “free markets,” just for the interests of a small set of already wealthy people. See: resistance to breaking up monopolies, and preventing fair bargaining for labor, etc.
You really don’t understand why left-leaning people might have issues with a system that’s essentially a cartel that artifically depresses wages just for its employees with the least job security and likelihood of a long career, instead of one that does its best to share the massive wealth across all its employees?
“Schilling starts out by proclaiming that it’s totally normal for adults to remark on the physical appearance of their friends’ kids”
It’s even harder to believe that people still want to vote for him (cough cough dad cough cough).
This is a mess. As many have noted, Rose is clearly not a very bright dude, which is compounded by a very rough upbringing (or maybe vice versa depending on your view of nature vs nurture). I have no idea who to believe here. It seems unlikely that he could be criminally convicted, but with a preponderance standard, I…
If you admit that you can’t be certain of his guilt or innocence at this point, what makes him an imbecile who deserves callous treatment? You take issue with the coverage this has gotten, but it seems like your stance is no different than anyone else’s who is already throwing dirt on Rose’s grave.