Says the guy posting on a gaming blog
Says the guy posting on a gaming blog
Am I the only one thats a little disturbed by this gif?
Something like that
Not surprising as everything bought on PS3's PSN will be obsolete once the move is made to PS4.
I hope Gearbox really struggles following the scam that was Colonial Marines. Has anyone held Pitchford accountable for that yet? Stephen, can you press him next time you get a chance? He said he would open up after the smoke cleared, but I've not seen anything.
I downloaded it just to see how crappy it was because of all this hype. It's actually not half bad, and I've kept it on my phone as a time-waster.
Hope you guys are happy about it. Kotaku certainly helped fuel the fire.
I don't think so. He's not whining or bitching about it like this guy, that's for sure.
Seems like just a few days. CGR have already jumped ship, and good for them—but I can't imagine they will have the same level of success on their own website.
The worst thing about all of this is that Classic Game Room has been affected.
Whoa, Acclaim and Capcom on the same box. I miss Acclaim...
Yeah but KotOR was the last great game, and Bioware made it. Where does Bioware live now? Yeah, EA is evil and blah blah, but Lucasarts really dropped the ball over the past decade.
Someone should compile a list of top talent from the late '90s - early '00s and highlight everyone who's jumped ship.
Because Lucasarts made such kickass Star Wars games. I for one can't wait to see Battlefront on this engine. It's gorgeous when it works.
Because Lucasarts made kickass Star Wars games like nobody's business. I for one can't wait to see Battlefront on this engine. It's gorgeous when it works.
This is criminal. The original makes the best use of 16-bit sprites I've ever seen, and this... just, ugh.
Umm... lol?
I think all of the VI fans are working on XIV. Tons of references in that game.
This truly boggles my mind. Truly.
It's thinking.