Andy DeLozier

Except FFX has my favorite battle system of all time. The rest of the game leaves a lot to be desired, but I really enjoyed the fights.

Ahh, I forgot about that. Loved ZoE though.


Oh, and that was free as well. Good old days...

This sounds exactly like the Tanker - Plant deal with MGS2. I remember playing the first chapter (then just a "demo") about 50 times before the main game was released. Here's hoping the final product is a less disappointing this time around.

I don't know if it's just me or the sites that I frequent, but there seems to be significantly less mindless bashing compared to days gone by.

I thought it looked silly at first too. Then I watched it.

That's too damn bad. I remember Serkis carrying the cinematics, and a film without him?

Yeah, but the iOS version is pathetic. They really need to optimise it for new devices.

I actually only read the 2099 comics. When did the show air?

Actually, it was incredible, and you're in the minority. It was only canned b/c the team moved on to Justice League.

Hope this moves some more units. Love my WiiU.

What I would really like to see is a Batman Beyond entry.

Nice story, bro

Be courteous and send a message? They're friends, after all.

Other companies can manage it. There's no excuse here.

There is no reason it cannot happen other than apathy on Sony's side. MS has implemented this feature and monetised it, too. Sony needs to get with the program.

In other news, PSN users are still unable to change their nicknames/IDs. Why must purchases, trophies, friends, etc be tethered to names some of us made nearly a decade ago?

I have been following Smooth McGroove for some time now. This man is my Jesus.