Andy DeLozier

Jesus, WTF is wrong with GameStop? This is like selling an axe to your executioner.

I have been preaching this for the past decade. Looks like the Wii U is the only console I'm buying this gen.

Or thousands of people download it b/c it's pretty, realize it's crap and then never touch it again?

Thanks for that laugh. I needed it. :)

Who the hell plays these shitty touchscreen FPS games? More than that, how the hell can anyone play them?

I wouldn't be so upset if this were story-motivated, a la transitioning to an older actor for Big Boss. But as it stands, this cash-grab—and by that I mean getting a big name just to have a big name—has really soured my attitude towards Kojima and the franchise in general.

I wouldn't be so upset if this were story-motivated, a la transitioning to an older actor for Big Boss. But as it stands, this cash-grab—and by that I mean getting a big name just to have a big name—has really soured my attitude towards Kojima and the franchise in general.

I don't see what the difference is tbh. 8GB or 32GB—both are going to need expansion and neither is "premium". I grabbed the white last month when ASDA dropped it to £150, and I have no regrets.

No kidding

No kidding

Wow. That's incredible. Thanks for shedding more light on this! So, how long till you can by a PS3 or an iPhone at regular cost?

Preach it, truthtellah.

I think it's funny how there are no stories of people simply waiting a couple of months after release and using sites like Cheap Ass Gamer. I have a decent income, and I almost never pay full price for a major release, sans Nintendo exclusives.

I think the Redbox thing is a bad example. The guy didn't steal anything. In fact, as he admits, he probably got ripped off because all he has is the disc, sans instruction booklet and case, and ended up paying full retail.

I know loads of people who have done the same thing by accident—just keeping the disc for too long or whatever. Like Nuechacho says, Redbox end up charging you the full retail price in the end so nothing shady is really going on with that example.


Bah. I was hoping for a truly next-gen CoD to be announced at E3. I guess it was never gonna happen, what with the crazy install base on 360 and PS3 compared to stuff that's not even out yet.


Exactly. I've been saying this for ages. I don't see why it's so difficult for everyone to understand.

Do we have to give this garbage any more attention? Let's just ignore it, please.