Andy DeLozier

Exactly. If the people working on these projects really want them to see the light of day they should keep them under wraps till the last possible moment. Otherwise all that hard work is for naught when they get that cease and desist.

I hate to be one of those guys, but why is it so difficult for the EIC to make correct use of the apostrophe?

Reminds me of EGM's infamous Neptune discovery. Except this looks, ya know, genuine.

Is that you, Orthy?

I would love to see Nintendo introduce a new Game Boy building from this basic design.

Just make it 3D, 2D is not cool.

Where's Pitchford's head already? I say we grease that rat-fuck son of a bitch right now!

Pitchford said a lot of stuff, and I hope fans never forgive or forget. In fact, I say we grease that rat-fuck son of a bitch right now.

Which makes me even more curious about what's at the root of this.

Whatever the issue may be, it doesn't extend to Amazon UK.


Agree 100%. I'm hoping for more Hayter as the series closes the gap to the first MGS. There's a lot of room for a young Solid Snake in that timeframe. And with MGS4 wrapping everything up so completely, it's the only direction I can see the series going.

This. It's not surprising that Kojima would want to differentiate the characters, especially as it looks like he's building up to a Solid retelling of the first two games.

Just give it up. You're not doing yourself any favours.

This is probably where the series is headed so a switch in Big Boss's VA needed to be made. I fully expect Hayter to make an epic return as younger Solid Snake in the near future.

Kojima should just come out and say that he wants to differentiate Solid Snake from Big Boss in preparation for the inevitable retelling of Metal Gear 1&2. It's so obvious that's where the series is headed.

I think there is a big difference between "most fans" and most casual players, which you seem to be talking about. Fans know the characters, the voices behind them, and they have a pretty good handle on the timeline and mythos.

Yeah. What's up with that?

I don't know what you're talking about. Along with FF fans, MGS fans are some of the most rabid and attentive I've ever seen.

Not all of them. My friend has a black Wii from last year that won't play them.