Or I could just direct him to comments like this. I'm sure you would sway him.
You're absolutely right. It outrages me when gun advocates say, "Ban cars! They're more dangerous!" As you rightly observe, they are necessary for the continued functioning of our society. Licensing is something that needs to happen across the board.
Well, I'm living in England at the moment, and we had far fewer gun homicides last year than Tennessee. 44 total gun murders in a country of over sixty million versus 244 in a state containing approximately six-seven million.
I'll post it here, but sometimes he can take ages to respond.
Alexander represents my home state and is actually an old family friend. Upsetting. Gonna have to write to him about this. /sigh
This. One thousand times this.
You're right. I don't know what I was thinking.
Don't presume to know me, thanks.
I think it's important to call attention to it because dumbass parents are a big part of what's wrong with society. Nobody ever holds them accountable. If these kids went out and shot some people tomorrow, God forbid, CoD would get the blame and not the parents who put it in their hands.
But my parents didn't buy it for me. And if they knew I was, I'd sure as hell be punished for it.
It's not just you. It's the way it's built. It's basically FFXI in offline mode.
Someone gets it! Now cue the emo kids who haven't even played the games at the top.
To be honest, FFXIII is the only game I can think of that runs better on PS3. We have both consoles in our household, and my wife is always bemoaning the state of the games on her PS3 compared to the 360. This looks good, but Japanese games may be the exception because well, you can figure that out...
I noticed it and used it right away. Love it, Mr Totilo.
This guy is just a walking joke. I lose more hope for humanity each time he opens his mouth than I do from listening to dudebros on XBL.
This guy's collection is so much classier than the dude who was just featured and holds the Guinness title.
As far as GIFs go they are pretty good, but I'm not really a fan. As I said to someone else in these comments, they make me feel like I time warped back to 1997. I just don't see the purpose when we have videos.
As do I.