Same here.
I totally missed this, and my wife works for Oxford University Press no less. Shame on me.
It's so trippy. I feel like I'm browsing an Angelfire fan site from 1997.
Thanks for writing all this so I didn't have to. Celes and Terra ftw.
Why all the GIFs lately, Stephen? I'm curious.
le sigh
What I mean is that our gov't could find whatever they want to find with these studies and enact legislation based off of the results because they are "official". Even if it is bad science, who would listen and what does it matter to legislators? Politicians don't give a crap about peer review.
Gears of War 3 and God of War 3, eh? Might want to fix that.
Region locking is such a pain in the ass. At least Microsoft work with you, in my experience anyway. I migrated my XBL account in October of last year, and I didn't lose anything. Sony is horrible.
No offense, but you don't sound like you're any fun.
Who checks the top checker?
Let's play word association. I have two for this one. Dumbasses. Corruption.
The real story is that this is now automated, and you can only move between Xbox LIVE regions once every 3 months. The service was actually rolled out back in October.
Your opinion.