
They would be insane to put that information on a raven. You saw how the lords of the north reacted to Jon's decision to so much as visit a Targaryen, now imagine that they found out he was one. The only reason I wouldn't say that an immediate civil war would be a certainty is that I'm not positive anyone would

True, though it doesn't take magical foresight to realize that letting everyone know that Jon Snow is actually Jon Targaryen-Stark could have repercussions, especially if Jon is not physically present to manage the fallout.

"I can see visions of the past and the present, but I'm not great at it yet." Boom, done.

Which I agree with, though Myles' line comes off more as being visually squeamish than in any way character related.

…would be a credible threat if the Lords of the North had seen them, is how that sentence ends.

He didn't count on the fact that Euron apparently reads the scripts before every episode, so he knows where to put his ships ahead of time in order to assure crushing and completely improbable victories.

Bear in mind that all the Sand Snakes were present on the dock after Ellaria kisses Myrcella goodbye. I think that one might even have been the one to hand over the antidote, but regardless she was complicit in the murder. Executing them would have been just, but the method pushes it over the line into vengeance.

If Jon knuckled under to Dany on minute one the Lords would probably come up with some face-saving way to claim that he was never their king in the first place.

She did murder their actual ruler and supplant him based on… nothing that's ever explained actually. I'm pretty sure whoever finally takes control in Dorne will be perfectly happy to let everyone else murder each other, then swear fealty to the winner.

"I appreciated that Tyene’s death had nothing to do with Gregor…"

The music is telling me that I should be afraid of/for Arya, but mostly I wanted to high five her through the screen.

They were definitely in love, but I don't know if they would have gotten around to boning. Angels aren't carnal beings, so it probably wouldn't have occurred to them. Had they both been trapped on earth together I'm sure they'd have gotten around to it.

Pam's always been the warmest and most vulnerable character though. Pam's desire to belong was established long before the violence and profanity.

I figure that'll be whoever killed Woodhouse, and that isn't Dutch. Probably Mother.

Hopefully it's a mislead, given that his head and chest aren't bullet proof. It's perfectly possible that he'll go down in a hail of gunfire in the first ten seconds of the next episode.

Comics readers feel empathy for him as well, it just takes until the middle of the run before they explain his backstory. Up to that point he's been the implacable cowboy shaped plot device of destruction.

99%. The network would have taken one look at Jessie's hair and cancelled the show, burned the evidence, and blacklisted everyone involved in the production in any capacity.

Not the only one. Show Jessie is a bit slow on the uptake, especially where the Voice is concerned, but that aside I'm liking the show just fine.

I assumed that's why he let Cassidy try to explain it, and when he went with "I look so young" instead of "that wasn't me" he decided to enter phase two of testing the vampire hypothesis.

That God is a shitty, absentee father and needs to answer to the children he created for the raw deal they were given is Jesse's entire point.