
More to this.

The AMR-1 was run by Proteus Technologies in Milton Keynes. When the project went belly up, Yamaha bought the company and the building (or the lease of) and formed Ypsilon Technology.

Ypsilon Technology was used to try and bring the Yamaha OX99-11 Tandem supercar to life. This had started out at Zakspeed,

Its a relatively cheap car to introduce to North America. It is essentially the European SEAT Ateca mixed with the Chinese VW Tharu

Not the year to watch, if you are in Canada....

We actually had it the other way around. We bought our family hauler Nissan from one of the big dealer franchises just outside of Vancouver. We required a loaner for service #2 and #3. On both occasions, just as I was leaving, the service manager phoned up to say they had no loaners available. (Service 1 had a loaner

Ah, do you know which country the Ford GT you show, is made???

Travis was an awesome guy and inspiration and a great vector artist. We talked about doing some work together but never got the chance unfortunately. He sent me some of his ‘source’ vector artwork and it had amazing and so clean and detailed.

and don’t forget the Jalopnik supported and branded Dunlop Le Mans Spotter Guide

ovjho - If you are lucky to be on Rogers and East coast, you might get Fox Sports in Canada. Hardly anyone carries this and no one west of Toronto and yeah, WEC keeps saying they cover Canada.

You can tell the Porsche apart from the Toyota because thats white with Red and Black, while the Toyota is White with Black and Red.....ahhhh

LOL! Make sure you give a Dunlop Tire a hug next time you see one ;)

thanks :)

I don’t really care if he was increasing, or decreasing pressure. I’m just pleased he wasn’t doing the drivers side at that time, or we’d be having a very different discussion.

Porsche are normally quite relaxed providing its not direct competition. I doubt for example he could have ran a GTLM car.


Because he is (at least that was the plan, I will have to check again). There are a few drivers who are listed for both cars.

Thats very cool. I’m not an autograph person, but I have considered getting one of the guides autographed before.

There might be a couple of additions come Sebring inc a GT4 Camaro.. With the GT4 regs, suddenly more chassis available. Should be good close racing.

Ha ha, thanks guys :)

Thanks! PC’s are relatively cheap, no dev costs makes it good for gentlemen drivers. 4 cars confirmed for the full season.

agreed, but you don’t think it will become cheaper for ‘us’? Back in the UK I paid about $400 a year fully comp, protected (8yrs) no claims on a Golf GTi , admittedly 10years ago, but as long as I’ve been here my cost has been around $1800 to now $2200 for EACH (2) car p.a. and I have six or seven yrs no claims.(ICBC