
Put both teams’ kicking units on the field simultaneously! Each start from the 25 yard lines with a big basket of balls. Whoever kicks the most field goals in 90 seconds wins. Kicking teams are responsible for re-setting as fast as they can once prior kick lands. Defensive players caught off side must leave the

Please proceed to contest that one of the central tenents of 5th amendment jurisprudence is that the fact that someone asserted the 5th in a criminal matter cannot be used to infer guilt. Should be entertaining.

Okay, I concede I may have been trigger happy on that one. I briefly considered your post as pure joke, but found it ambiguous (mostly, and I say this with no ill intention, because as a joke, it’s “meh” and because its placement as a reply to starscreamsicle’s “weasel” comment seemed an editorial choice). But I

Cute, so your analogy is apparently intended to infer criminality based on asserting the 5th amendment on the part of this guy, HRC’s aide, or HRC? Exactly what the 5th amendment is intended to guard against?