Badass McFisticuffs

Although Powers is going thorough some growing pains, I actually really like that show too. It’s definitely too heavy on the drama, but keep in mind that it’s Playstations first shot at a real production. It has a lot of potential, they just need a bigger budget...

Never heard of it, I'm a Native, is it really a good doc or are you being sarcastic? I'll watch it if you're sincere...

As their Native brother, I know that money was never a factor. We don't think like that... If something is wrong, cloth paper will do nothing to make it right. Did any of the Actors stay? That would deeply sadden me...

They wear their ignorance on their sleeves.

That should be our attitude toward racism in general. Sadly, I fear it will never be...

Even more so than the Flash? It started out cheesy and slow but man has it become so much better! Haha still cheesy at times but so good for a superhero show!

Exactly. You don't see them making a parody of African history. That would be racist! But Natives are definitely ok to pick on!

As a member of the Navajo Nation, I will be telling everyone I know to boycott this movie. If my brothers found it too painful to work on, then I most assuredly won’t be watching it. Hasn’t Hollywood belittled our people enough??? This is the same industry that used to use killing Natives as eye-candy, so I guess I

Nice! A reader who actually uses and posts facts instead of nonsensical bullshit!

Why did you call him a kid? Lol it's as if you think you know everything...

Lol if you're so level-headed, why didn't you just let it go??? Fighting back and lashing out indicates your insecurity on the subject.

Please don’t generalize. While I agree, you can’t make blanket statements like that without alienating the few who really do draw inspiration from smoking. Don't let your past cloud your vision. Everyone is different.

Probably because it’s unfamiliar to you. It’s human nature to look down upon those that are different or live differently.

Those are the idiots who get arrested for being flamboyant about their hobby. Most level-headed tokers are smart enough to at least keep it under the radar. Advertising that you’re a weed smoker can really bite you in the ass.

What are you saying exactly? Your wording indicates you feel Activision is partly responsible for the number of smokers... Prolly just mistaken grammar, but thought I'd ask.

You should try Battlefield high. The slower pace makes it far more fun when you're in the clouds lol.

That’s nothing to laugh about. Many people see being an EVE CEO as a second job. You can make real money, and it takes hard work and dedication. Haha that’s the good ones though. Some run their corps into the ground to profit lol.

But the STORY! It's badass so far. 6 chaps in.

RIP BFH! My little brother and I will miss you!

So let me get this straight... These guys in their 20s-30s are breaking websites to pre-order glorified sky landers??? Thafuq?