Labor costs, electricity and parts are the only expenses beside the rent on the building. They can and should factor these costs into the initial investment. Otherwise, they need to go take a business class...
Labor costs, electricity and parts are the only expenses beside the rent on the building. They can and should factor these costs into the initial investment. Otherwise, they need to go take a business class...
Wtf? I hereby refuse to buy any game that doesn’t support multiplayer for at least 5 years. This is the single stupidest trend in gaming right now. Save money by stripping multiplayer 2 years after release? Pathetic. Find other ways to save money and screw us please.
Shitty internet equals less overhead equals more profit. Capitalism at work. Funny thing is... They’re just going to charge more in the future for bandwidth we could already use but don’t have access to. It’s a racket. They control the supply and there’s relatively infinite demand.
Don't gripe about the symptoms, protest the sickness. Capitalism at work.
You must be from Russia...
Laughing Man!
No, it's a game you put up with because of a lack of self-control and self-respect. The only thing you REALLY like is the IDEA of the game. There's a name for people who complacently accept mediocrity, even though they know it's wrong. Sheep. I feel so sorry for anyone still playing that POS.
Capitalism is Bullshit. This corporate greed is just a symptom of the larger problem: Our addiction to money.
But depriving your customers of quality service for more profit is the American way. I've been trying to get people to see that since I was 14. Capitalism at work. Don't criticize the symptoms, cure the sickness.
That's Capitalism. Either get used to it, or protest it. Can't have it both ways...
Because we live in a Capitalism. Not only is screwing your fellow man over a fact of life. It's actually promoted by the system we live in. Capitalism is just that, capitalizing.
Yet another example of how cloth paper controls us all. Pecuniate Obediunt Omnia. Capitalism at work.
You really need to learn what mainstream is and stop using the idea you have in your mind as fact. Do what I did and get a job in the media. Doesn't get anymore "mainstream" than that. Lol.(don't really, it sucks.)
lol All games are demos until all the DLC is released...
That's what made P.T. so cool. I still get friends without ps4 that want me to boot it up when I'm over. The main game will be totally different, but the playable trailer was free, and is almost a game in and of itself.
VGHS was created, produced, and mostly funded by Freddie and came out solely on youtube until Netflix picked it up. Was it on tv or something??? Even if it was, that's not mainstream, man. That's an independent product.
All humans deserve forgiveness, not any one sex, color, or race.
No one is calling for his reinstatement but a little black girl. This had nothing to do with white privilege.