
I feel you girl. I really do. Good luck to you!

The charity thing is basically asking for money, which is why it's rude. The people who are giving to charity should just give themselves - they are not expected to bring a gift. Nobody is expected to bring a gift.

I'm 31 and have been trying since I was 29. I think that my issue, lean PCOS, would have prevented me from getting pregnant without drastic measures in my early twenties, but who knows. I do tell women who are single at 32-35 (if they ask me about infertility stuff) that they might want to think about having their

Such a tragedy. He was such a talent and is gone way too soon.

I couldn't agree more. No matter what the cause, I think everybody can agree that obesity is something that should be fixed, to the extent possible.

I totally agree. Rape is so much more. Rape is a life-altering event for the victim.

Disgusting is truly the best word for this.

I didn't have much love for Don Draper before this show, and I officially don't like him after he was so willing to pay the tuition to make Sally "go away." I feel like a major theme in the beginning of the series was his quest to not do what his step-father did and be a good father. He has completely failed.

I am so so sorry for your loss.

I call mine "Tiffany"

5 weeks is scary. As much I as loathe KK, I hope the baby is ok.

I would not be caught dead in court without a suit.

I think you are trying to be snarky, but the visual makes me laugh.

I like her more than KK, only because I know that she is motivated, at least in some small part, by a desire to provide for Sofia.

It's been a painful evolution. I watched her all through the show, beginning at 16 and Pregnant. She has gotten dumber and less self aware

Hypnotherapy during birthing is a real thing. Both my bestie and my big sister used a program called "Hypnobabies" to deliver without pain meds.

I'm not sure that I give much more than 0 fucks about strangers' weights in general. My post was sparked by the plus size discussion from yesterday, so that's why I brought it up. I'm all for checking out the fat acceptance bandwagon and self reflection. As a child of an anorexic woman who was overweight most of

I'll give those a read! thanks!!

I can assure you that is not the case. I'm have had many conversations about her, particularly after Precious came out, that focused on her talents. as I said before she is an amazing actress.

I don't know where you could possibly get that from....sarcasm fail?