
Ahsoka was trained by the old school Jedi to not make decisions based on attachments, I mean she hasn't been in the Jedi order for over ten years and, as far as we know, has never even gotten into a romantic relationship. Sabine is basically a normal person, with actual attachments to those she cares for and so she

You’re playing real fast and loose with that “just about as long” portion of your statement. By time a can of boyardee is piping hot in the microwave, your water isn’t even going to be boiling yet. 

let’s all pretend we live on the same planet and function in the same society and know that I clearly meant nacho cheese instead of being a giggling middle schooler thinking they got one over on someone

Cool Ranch Doritos might be the most overhyped flavor in history, the original flavor is superior

i think it looks pretty good

While I was born a few blocks outside the city limits of Chicago and pretty much stayed in the area, I was conceived behind the Cheddar Curtain and my family is all from/lives in Wisconsin.

Lol, agreed.

There are people who don’t melt the cheese on their burger? I thought that it was just places like McD’s and Taco Bell who didn’t know how to use cheese right...though McD’s recently fixed that.

I’m used to buying them on a plate, putting them on a stick is a neat idea :)

Alkaline water MAY benefit people who have heartburn and/or acid reflux, but then again, you can just add a very small amount of baking soda to regular water and save yourself a buttload of money.

Yeah, I have a few bottles of it since I make a few different Asian noodles and they all need it.


It definitely makes keeping it clean easy.  I use distilled in my water kettle.  It looks as pristine inside as the day I bought it.  Not a single grain of white deposits anywhere.

I think alkaline water is useful for some cooking applications. I want to say hand pulled noodles is one of them but don’t quote me on that.

Distilled water is also better for your iron.  No dissolved minerals to clog up the steam jets.

Most tap water is perfectly fine for all of those applications.

I don’t think that I am since this isn’t, like, me cooking them. This is how they’re served at restaurants and the way everyone else is eating them. This is how the guy at the hibachi restaurant tosses them through the air so surely I’m not supposed to be doing extra work at that point.

Equally bad, but at least with smarties you don’t have to chew them, they’ll eventually melt. No way around that with Lucky Charms. And Tums at least serve a purpose, so they get a pass on account of being medicine. Don’t like the texture but it will make me feel better 

literally never not had slimy fried okra, it’s like a tater tot of lying

Growing up, my extended family always cooked kraut and sausage for my Polish grandmother. I couldn’t stand the smell of it so I avoided it like the plague.