
Yes, now you are getting it. Just a little bit more.

Well yes, the west is all western countries. But in this context, do you think when they said Western civilization, they were talking about any of those other countries other than the USA? Or to be more specific, when they were griping about this eating contest held in the USA, they were talking about all the other

I hope that helps you grasp what he’s saying.

Because that eating competition is part of the reason why millions of people cannot get enough to eat?

No problem, Charles.

Also I’m not a pendant.

I have and I would suggest you dismiss that real fucknut troll as well. I would have started to make fun of him but honestly he ain’t even worth the effort because his bullshit is so fucking stupid. 

They are promoting unhealthy eating.

You don’t think overconsumption is a problem? Is not this type of inane competition representative of that?

Are you under the impression that when people say western in this regard they are talking about Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina?

I also like how you pointed out some pointless error but had nothing to say to the actual argument of stuff that matters versus shit that doesn’t in the slightest. You my good sir are a true pendant, not me.

And I was merely observing the fact that thinking competitive eating is some kind of huge problem is dumb. It literally, and I use that word in the correct sense, causes no problems for anybody at all. So for it to “represent” western ills is illogical to the highest degree especially when we have some much else we

You are correct. Africa is a continent and I take responsibility for that error. Also I am well known around here to be a troll that pokes fun at other trolls exclusively, but actually makes serious posts for the food and other topics. No, this isn’t me trolling. This is me pointing out the idea of competitive eating

Because this hurts nobody, except maybe the participants’ stomachs. And you type this “starving children in Africa” argument all the while on a device made from materials harvested in slave mines in that very same country. You should also feel bad about the clothes you are wearing made by Mexican and Chinese

There is just so much wrong with Western civilization.

Yeah, I never did like Sabine as a character. This episode really sealed the deal. I was hoping that she was drawing him, making him drop his guard, and then shoot him point blank in the face. I mean she just did witness him “killing” Ahsoka, you think she would be pissed as hell and the dark side just running though

- Marrok absolutely sucked. I’m lol’ing at every Twitter and Reddit user posting videos for 3 weeks to prove he’s Starkiller, not to mention the usual sites’ clickbait constantly. Also was he like a demon or what? He smoke monster’d out of his armor for some reason.

People who prefer cool ranch doritos over nacho cheese are the same people who drive camaros and brag about it.

Though the tornado potato is the type of food that simply feels American, like something you would get at a state fair, it’s actually South Korean in origin. It was originally developed by Jeong Eun Suk of Agricultural Hoeori Inc. Perusing various articles on the topic, it seems that tornado potatoes “gained

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I like the cheese cold, same as the lettuce and tomato.