And This How You Do Me?

If you think “cromulent” is a new word, you need to embiggen your vocabulary.

I saw the Canadian anthem before a Sabres-Thrashers game in 2001. I think the 2001 Atlanta Thrashers might have been the least-Canadian team ever.

Fuck you

Walder Frey is President. I understand that Joffrey was cruel and evil and most people hated him, but his similarities with the moron in the Oval Office end there.

This is sad as hell. I like Kyle a lot as a player. The fact that the team put out an official statement during a game (and the fact that neuro ICU sounds like a scary department) leads me to worry it’s serious. Hope he gets well soon.

Sure, Goodell’s a douche and all, but this ongoing effort to cast TAWMMY “I think Donald Trump is great for this country” FAHCKIN BRADY and his ilk as the sympathetic party oppressed by EVIL RAWDJAHH does nothing for me.

Remember - Kaepernick knelt during a song and said that just maybe not everyone with a badge is a saint. Those crimes are unforgivable.

Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is just about the best one could reasonably expect from anyone affiliated with the NCAA, so I’d count that scenario as a win.

But how is the dog supposed to know who’s wearing day-glo spandex?

Way to bury the lede. By losing his job for verbally abusing an immigrant, Barling has made himself an early favorite in the race for the Republican nomination for Senate in 2018.

Flynn really pissed the bed on this one.

Wait, so Dolan just played them some material from JD & The Straight Shot’s upcoming Tom Petty tribute album?

No, but I’m trying to build up my resume so I can be appointed Secretary of the new Department of Redundancy Department. That comment alone might make me the most qualified person in the cabinet.

Careful in these comments, everybody. Any jokes you make are liable to be copied without attribution into a shitty, self-serving Ted Cruz tweet.

I have no problem with gay slurs. As a matter of fact, they should be accepted--dare I say, even embraced. When did we as a society decide it was okay to force  gay people to adhere to higher standards of drunk-enunciation than anyone else? That’s just not right.