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Just in case anyone forgot how awesome Prince was -Prince kicking Kim Kardashian off the stage

Coachella is still going? Don’t all those bloggers and actors have to work?

Enslaving, raping and killing was awful. The worst of it was jobbing Roy Jones out of a gold medal.

The big eye opener for me was that the current president of Korea is the daughter of the man responsible for this!

Assuming they didn’t have to build new facilities every 4 years, it would help Greece. That’s one of the problems with having the Olympics move around so much.

I served a year in Korea in 1990 at Kunsan AB and I couldn’t understand why there were occasional protests (read riots) in front of the base. Years later I learned of the atrocities committed by the SOUTH Korea government and it all became clear why some Koreans might not appreciate the Land of the Free propping up

This is only a legitimate complaint if you’re a really strict vegetarian. Otherwise youre just kinda being a jerk.

Yeah man. They call this kind of thing ‘Tuesday’ in North Korea.

“How anyone can believe I don’t defies belief .”

this take is fire (and blood)

Who cares? That show blows.

“he’s only seventeen.”

Miller’s response was much better than that of the Tennessee mother who, on seeing the picture, claimed Newton got her wet.

“We were in deep, man,” says Blaine Boyer without the slightest touch of irony.

“Our rivals might scoff at this and describe it as one of a litany of petty humiliations inflicted by The Process, but this is in fact a classic example of what the great modern philosopher Napkin Gladwell would call ‘Unorthodox Progress’. By inverting the performer-audience business model and forcing our players to

Adam LaRoche to Sex Trafficker: “But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.”

Then there’s this: LaRoche, along with Brewers pitcher Blaine Boyer, spent 10 days in November in Southeast Asian brothels, wearing a hidden camera and doing undercover work to help rescue underage sex slaves.