
St. Paul’s School marshaled its considerable resources to defend its reputation after a star pupil was accused of raping a 15-year-old girl on campus

My niece is 15. I don’t believe she’s especially immature for her age, she’s just ordinary. But she is so, so, clearly a child. To think that someone would see her as a sexual target- what’s wrong with people?!

Apparently the $100K+ defense Labrie got that tore this child apart on the stand and got her rapist off with barely a slap on the wrist? In large part funded by alumni and donors to the school.

She is so fucking brave. I applaud women every time they talk about their experiences unapologetically but it hurts my heart that she is so young.

I gasped. I forget that 15 is still a child. I’m trying to picture a girl TWO YEARS YOUNGER than this girl, being grilled on the stand by the defense.

God. She’s so young.

A couple years ago, Children's Place got wildly gendered, everything was fuschia and sequinned and tulle, the shirt sayings were crazy inappropriate. Suddenly my go to place for preschool clothing was trying to make my grade oner a bar-star. So, I left her at home so I could shop both sides of the store and basically

Agreed. The thing that bugs me the most is the girls stuff is often overly fitted. I buy a lot of shirts in the “boy” section for my girls because they are a) more comfortable and b) don't shrink to nothing in the dryer.

I’m so tired of this shit. Just the other day, BabyStu (age 2) told me that rockets are for boys, not girls. Considering that my husband finds space boring and I’m the one obsessed with physics, this was a gut punch. And when I asked him where he got this harebrained idea (I promise I was nicer about it than that), he

I believe there are a number of factors at play. The fact you can find out your offspring’s sex prior to birth no doubt plays a part- before, you wouldn’t go too crazy because not knowing the sex kind of put the brakes on things; you’d just get some things in yellow and red and be done with it. It was never this

I have an ugly suspicion that at least some of it is companies trying to cut down on the usefulness of hand me downs, though it seems like toys have gotten more gendered since I was an 80s baby as well.

Yeah, it’s dumb. And it’s weird how much more gendered things are than they were when, say, I was a wee one in the 70s. I feel like we’ve lost ground in a lot of ways.

Whyyyyyy are clothes for kids under the age of 9 or 10 (when bodies start to be different) or especially under the age of 3 or 4 (when kids can have their own opinions about what they wear) so terribly gendered?

FILL THE GAME OF THRONES VOID WESTWORLD! It seems to have potential.

Was it just me, or did Sir Anthony just act the fuck out of the last few seconds of that trailer. Sweet Jeebus!

I’ve said this before, but I came back to MoP from Vanilla and anyone who thought Vanilla was better is missing the personal experiences not the game itself. The quality of the product isn’t even comparable, with Vanilla feeling like a school project compared to the current one.

“Risk of Zika infection likely highest during first trimester” in no way translates to “effects only happen when the mom is infected in the first trimester.”

Yes, my favorite “well, we saved the baby, but fuck that family for riding on the coattails of hardworking bootstrappers in order to support their struggling family and their huge medical bills that came from having that kid” reasoning.

Meanwhile, the medical journal Radiology just published some images and information about how bad the effects of Zika can really be on a fetus or baby (warning: medically graphic but not gory images). At the same time, Florida’s already-restrictive abortion laws are being defended by many prominent conservative