i personally feel that this still from the movie tells us all we need to know:
i personally feel that this still from the movie tells us all we need to know:
So many things wrong with this argument. First of all, what is “normal women”? Given that they’re not testing for elevated testosterone unless you’re flagged (likely by winning), there’s no evidence that anyone on the field has less than elevated testosterone. And since hormone levels exist along a range in all women…
The first. The latter is perfectly fair, provided she’s naturally producing the testosterone.
“It’s not fair, we can’t compete with her innate genetic advantages!”
They’d check how much of it was bound to her receptors, screen her for known mutations in those same receptors, weigh the hoarseness of her voice, rate the development of her pubic hair and breasts, evaluate her muscles, size her labia, palpate her vagina, and measure her anogenital distance. In other words, they’d…
I am a white woman. I have no stake in this. But, as a swimmer, I am crying. Do you know the odds she had to win this? SLIM TO NONE. She got 2nd at trials! She didn’t even win US trials! She beat the world record holder and her 2015 world champion in the event sister! She is an amazing woman and we are lucky to be…
She should also get a medal for the best genuine reaction to winning.
We weren’t allowed to have Legos or Matchbox cars because we were girls. I mean my sister and I liked Barbies and My Little Pony and dolls and all that, but we also wanted to build things and race cars. But alas. I thought only girls who had brothers got to play with those things as like a world-wide rule. :(
I got a lot of hand-me-downs, so I got a lot of pink. But I flat-out refused to put those enormous bows on my baby’s head. She was a BABY. She did not need a bow on her bald head, and IDGAF if people think she’s a boy.
I work in the toy department at a small family run retail store and you have no idea how often I hear parents tell there daughters that they need to get they girl version of a toy. I heard a father tell his daughter that he should get a Rosie train instead of one of the many other boy Thomas trains that she wanted to…
It really makes me angry how gendered everything is for children. Why are the only options pink and blue for so many things? Is it really necessary for a birthday hat or a tricycle to match the child’s genitalia? It’s part of the reason that when I have a kid someday, I won’t tell anyone the sex before I give birth.…
I’d ask you to explain it to us, but I doubt our lady brains could handle it.
It’s all pure math at Amazon, so I can’t really accuse them of doing anything nefarious. You see the same price disparities within the same products for women. There can be a $20+ difference in the same bra in different colors on Amazon because it’s all determined by stock and purchasing data.
Why do you feel sorry for the dealership? They were allegedly assholes to this customer and the will lose future business because of it.
And how her boyfriend just brushes it all off. Since, obviously, he’s there to take care of her. Eerily similar to how I see men reacting, or more accurately, not reacting to women’s rights being stripped away these days.
Such a great book. Really looking forward to this. One touch I found particularly ominous was the scene in the book where Offred goes to the minimart for a pack of cigarettes, and discovers that she can no longer use her debit card, because they have been cut off for all females overnight. The scene was completely…
I thought Emily Blunt was an actual super hero?
Emily Blunt was the long rumored dream casting for me but eh, guess longevity plays into casting for the MCU. Downey Jr is gonna start looking like grandpa Stark soon. Larson is probably signed on for a dozen movies I’d guess, she’ll do a great job I’m sure.
I was kind of hoping they were going to go with an older actress (specifically Katee Sackoff, because I am allowed to dream), but Larson is very talented. At this point, I am willing to take any kind of win.
So can we all agree that he must be a Brony, based on the fact that he has that pony’s quotes so readily available?