
The conservative messsage has always been: it doesn’t happen to good women. Ladies aren’t raped, ladies aren’t assaulted, ladies are’t victims of domestic abuse, ladies aren’t abused at all, and ladies never admit to being victims of anything.

Dear GOP women,

The two loud and proud Trump supporters I know are women. One of them said Trump has a good heart. Girlfriend, he needs to have a heart to even have a good one.

Female ex-GOP here. When it’s how your entire worldview is informed from birth, “brain damaged” maybe isn’t quite as accurate as “brainwashed”.

SE Cupp interviewed Carly Fiorina for Glamour and in it she added an editorial about how she wished women cared about tax/fiscal issues as they did about reproductive health issues. That right there was proof enough that Republican women do. not. get. it. For so, so many people reproductive health issues ARE fiscal

First off - the fact that this man has no empathy and is clearly a narcissist is one thing. But can we please acknowledge that he can not even speak about “women” or “women’s issues” without talking as if he’s speaking to men about them? By that, I mean he will keep saying “I’m gonna be so good for women. Women love

“You’re aware that the majority of people we go after are men, right?”

They also mention that Kanye West is developing a script with Bret Easton Ellis, which is not the nightmare scenario I needed to contemplate before bed.

I was just saying that. Also, That statement was basically

Liking an individual woman doesn’t render you incapable of being someone who is broadly against women’s rights. Many of the men who were against giving the women the right to vote, were married, and even had female friends. There were also women who didn’t think women should have the right to vote, because they didn’t

I cannot, but you can’t stop me from trying (alone in my car where no one can hear me).

Good god, if you consider “feminists” a hate group, you seriously need to re-educate yourself in...actually I just spent 10 seconds looking it up for you.

Just know that the world is missing out by discouraging me, a 33-year-old white woman with no Broadway experience or ability to rap, from auditioning for Lafayette. You shall all rue this day. RUE!

As a mediocre, middle-aged, white male who cannot sing or dance but was very funny in high school plays, I am glad that society FINALLY allows me a chance at Broadway stardom!