
Truly a fascinating statement from Graham, considering how much speculation there’s been about his personal life over the years. 

Suggesting an alternative place to eat for somebody who isn’t comfortable isn’t weird. Assuming they aren’t comfortable because they aren’t as educated as you and telling that to the country is weird.

It makes sense if they want them to fail for some reason.

Agreed, I can see how this would maybe be a good idea if they had the resources to help students create a post-graduation plan and maybe some kind of waiver for students unable to do these things right away, but this kind of ham-fisted “tough love” policy typically hurts more than it helps.’t even make any sense!

But CPS budget, school closings, teachers getting laid off, etc.... doesn’t matter.

I hate, hate, hate punitive shit like this. Why not an incentive, like if you enroll in college or the military or get a job within a year of graduating you receive a one time bursary or tax rebate?

Also wouldn’t denying these students their diplomas make them less hireable? The logic of this escapes me.

Thats the real rub, isnt it? Forcing poor kids into military service.

Everything about this is terrible, and it makes me so mad! If the student did the work they should get their degree! It is all so paternalistic and creepy, never mind the fact that school counselors are already doing so much how the he’ll are these students going to get the guidance they need in order to either get

This seems incredibly short sighted. It has nothing to do with earning that diploma, but you’re punishing kids anyway.

So if you can’t afford college without a job, and you can’t get a job because there aren’t enough entry level positions for every 18 year old in the city, they won’t give you a diploma and thus make it harder for you to get a job later on?

This seems like one of those ideas that someone pitched to the Mayor as a splashy policy that would generate a lot of “tough love” good publicity, but lord will it have massive amounts of unforeseen (or completely foreseeable from some peoples’ points of view) consequences. For instance; disabled children won’t get a

That’s just dumb and short-sighted. What if they can’t find a job because they don’t have - wait for it - a high school diploma? What if they aren’t working/going to college for a myriad of totally legitimate reasons after high school but should still get a GD diploma? This is so infantilizing for a group of kids that

Can this even be constitutional?

Well, that’s just stupid.

Not sure I understand the question.

I think I am going to love this movie. I am not Asian. I am Mexican with a gringo husband but we love to watch “people like us” in movies and on TV. I call them “people like us” because this couple may not have our same ethnicities or even have gone through exactly the same cultural adjustments we went through but it

Oh, I was just gonna say “Get her book!” because it’s great!