Andrzej Lipski

@Facebook: Do you know the capital costs of having to relocate production. Corporations does months of analysis to determine the cost of outsourcing or redirecting production to other countries. Then to do it on top of an embargo which means that production is ground to a halt and the corporation is not earning

@Tolk Veno: it was classic free market.

@ninjagin: do you know how much capital is investing in those ships by US corporations. The financial losses would be staggering. Remember the container shipping crisis we hit a couple years which came about form the credit crisis as monkey markets froze. This would have a similar impact on the global economy as

@rhoa23: No NYT has it right. It's an export embargo. China exports rare minerals to the US. The US receives Chinese imports. It's a relative statement.

China is pissed about being call ed a currency manipulator. The US has received the backing of the IMF (which sis not saying much) to reiterate that statement. This makes China lose face which they do not like.

I recommend that people watch the director's commentary to THX1138. Lucas hated Star Wars. He wasn't a mainstream director. He liked doing provocative abstract work. So however the Star Wars movies are seen I think their quality comes from the fact that Lucas had a disdain for producing big budget works.

The financial analysts running this rumor mill are really dumping a ton of money into keeping it active.

Score one for capitalism of social services.

What did they talk about? How to stay relevant.

@jmd1513: I saw it as him becoming a 4 dimensional being. Its not so much that he was moving through all the stages of his life but existing in all of them at the same time. That is why he was able to observe himself while living those moments. Since he is 4 dimensional he transcends space time. The warping I


I know that the original intent for replacing regular lamps with LEDs was for efficiency. Less power needed and if you lose one or two LEDs you still have a dozen or more still operating, but it seems like Audi owners are having to replace the whole headlamp assembly when 1 LED goes out. Isn't that a waste of money?

Thanks great find!

A year from now we will get a headline from Canada reporting, "drive sentenced to 10 years in prison for manslaughter". Sources quote the man as saying, "I thought she was just a hologram!" In other news, is there premeditated violence against the hologram minority? Film at 11.

Pure marketing brilliance. We advanced marketing to a science. We know with near perfection what will get people to consume a product and now were are asking people to reject that very thing.

Ray Kurzweil approaches this from his father's death of heart disease in the 1970's. I think it has been the biggest driver for him to find the key to immortality be it from gene therapy, life extension or human mind upload. With heart disease being genetically passed down it made him fear death in a similar way

wow that was a display of my-nuke-is bigger-than-yours. Seems like the US wanted to keep some 2 to 1 lead ahead of Russia through the 60s and 70s until Russia just goes nuts in the 80s and then runs out of money to play the game, Then the US gets bored because they have no one to play with.

@laylaholic: yeah I love that one. That is how I got to find Tracy Bundy.

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If we are showcasing guitarists I want to post my favorite.