
I agree that the tasks you describe are relegated to women and that it is BS. However, the things you described mostly sound like additional unpaid LABOR labor, not emotional labor. It seems like we’re trending towards calling all the tasks women are assigned ‘emotional labor’ because women get it done.

I wouldn’t do any of that shit unless it is clearly written into my job description and I’m being paid to do it. If you can’t put this work on your resume don’t do it. If management is too cheap to hire then they’ll have to do without birthday parties and other niceties.

More women in the workplace just means more emotional labor at work! Refilling this, ordering that, organizing birthday parties. It’s crap.

I appreciate this review. I read Hartley’s recent Harper’s piece (that is excerpted from her book and acting as an ad for it) and was pretty unimpressed with how unthoroughly it seems she has grappled with issues of gender, socialization, labour, and feminist theory as a whole.

My friends and I long ago coopted “lean in” for things like eating three donuts in a row, day drinking, and irresponsible shopping. 

I just watched that again recently and wished Kirk had been around to give my ex that information before he tried to have a marriage and a family and a swinging single life all at once.

Oh, please. Cry me a river. You’re either one of those women who would throw another woman under the bus while crying out about what a feminist you are or you’ve never had to deal with them. My guess is the former rather than the latter.

And if you can’t teach, become a guidance counselor. Cut those kids' dreams down to size - they think they're better than you?!

*head scratch* I kinda feel you just supported this argument, even if you don’t understand it.

If you can’t do, teach.

My middle school advanced English teacher told me I "shouldn't waste" my time making up the second half of the placement test for AP English for high school, mainly because I was getting a D in her class and barely put forth any effort. It was fun seeing the expression on her face when the high school specifically

I’m sorry but I never bought into that Sanderg bs. Having always looked askance at FB, the current state of FB realities just reinforces my thinking that Sandberg was selling a book of lies to pump up the resume. And her mishandling of all of FBs security and operational management just tells me that she’s really not

Well, helloooo, Omar Sharif, Jr. That’s a handsome man right there. 

My high school “guidance counselor” said that I would never make it in a nursing program (I was an honor roll student but got my first C+ in A&P). She said that nursing wouldn’t be the career for me. Now I’m a Master’s educated nurse, I have worked all over the country including in some of the nation’s best hospitals.

I know she’s gonna catch crap from Fox about this, but doesn’t this make you wonder what the late-night pillow talk was between the Obamas, and what they said to each other all the time when no one was listening?

There is this lie they tell us as kids that if you just play by the rules you’ll make. Work within the system. Didn’t get that promotion? You just gotta lean in harder next time!

“lean in" = because don't ask the men in charge to do anything; try to make major changes all by yourself, you peon! Don't forget to smile!

The worst boss I’ve ever had would always tell women they needed to “lean in” (which in her mind meant taking all the bullshit she threw at you and then lied about.) When I hear people say the term “lean in” now, my first reaction is to gag and then my second reaction is “Oh, you’re one of those bullshit corporate

Seriously...just when I thought I couldn’t LOVE this woman more!!! You know she was thinking back on having to juggle kids, husband, career, husband running for leader of the free world...fuck that shit...lean in my ass...child please!!!

THANK GOD someone called this shit out.
Lean In benefits the corporate structure...and no one else.
Corporate feminism is bullshit, y'all.