
It would be very difficult to make Donald Glover resemble Sammy, talented as he is. I vote Don Cheadle for Sammy, or a newcomer.

I tried BOTH remotes and all onscreen menus just to be thorough. No dice. There is either some secret button combo I have to call the cable company to know about, or get an updated cable box or something.

You must never have worked in a restaurant. Anyone care to enlighten here? I don’t have the energy.

Oh yeah. Thickness of the burger is important. I got an underdone thick burger from a well known chain pancake house once (ordered it medium well but it was bloody) that had me projectile (expletive deleted) from all orifices for days. Never again.

That would be hilarious except that some who order decaf are in real danger if they get the high test stuff.

That is the perfect amount of revenge. You haven’t done anything to risk their health, yet some annoyance or at least confusion will result.

Yeah, no button. I will probs have to call the cable company and ask. I hate talking to those guys.

I could swear I looked everywhere on that thing, but I will look again. Thanks.

Those videos are strangely fascinating. And now I want to buy some MREs.

I snap pretty easily when approached by strangers anyway, even when it is semi-appropriate.

Sam Black Crow is the best character in the book, in my opinion. I hope they expand her role on the series. Shadow was kind of a snooze in a lot of ways and then this bright sassy spark joins him for such a brief period of time... It’s like Gaiman didn’t realize what he had and just wasted her.

You make an interesting point. However, there are also people who have decided to hate you forever, no matter what you do for them.

It’s all fun and games until it is your potential grandchild that is being... insert euphemism here. That is one explanation for a change to a woman’s thoughts on the matter as she ages. Your mileage may vary.

Thanks for clearing that up, because he is totally a bear.

I too miss this show already. Not sure how many seasons they can drag this out for, but I’m hoping for at least three. I loved how the writers kept me guessing up until the last scene. We are getting at least another season, right?

I know, right? My first thought was that that sword is going to get real crusty in a hurry if it isn’t wiped off right away. It would seem to be a common reflex for any sword user. Unless there is some unknown cultural reason not to clean it off until later when you were alone with it or something....

I noticed that too, but thought it was inadvertent and just to show her suffering.

There’s a Buddhist metaphor in here somewhere but I’m too lazy to make it.

Otherwise known as “malicious compliance”. There is a reddit for that. Pretty entertaining.

thanks :)