
And you know what? I like this era better, overall. I remember the first guy I was in love with when I was 15, before we even had answering machines - yes I am that old! I would wait at home by the phone so I wouldn’t miss his call, meanwhile he was out with someone else. SAD! At least these days a girl can go hang

I had never heard that quote before, but it is so apt.


You must be very young. All you have to do is live long enough and after most of the other men have died off you will be living high off the hog.... or something.

I know, right? I just never had that kind of emotional energy. Dating is exhausting. So glad I am finally “past it,” but I still remember what it was like. P.S. Among all the good comments on women’s safety I have to add that even a very polite and carefully worded refusal of a second date can be twisted into an

Exactly! What is wrong with us?

I’ve done my part. I cancelled Showtime and HBO but kept Starz. So there :)

You think Minnesota is going to be in better shape? Hmmmmm.....

OOOH, I love that idea!


You know I was mostly kidding, right? ;)

not sure, gramma and that device are long gone, sadly, or I could report back

There are old phonographs that are hand-cranked. Gramma had one. Granted the sound was pretty janky but beggars can’t be choosy and all that.

Typical. A few idiots have to ruin it for the rest of us. It’s why we have to take our shoes off at the airport and have passwords for everything, and, and.... get off my lawn!

Exactly. Where is the representation of asexual characters on tv? An argument can be made that demanding that Sherlock be gay (or more aggressively straight) is being an asexualphobe.

Yes, THIS.

There are shippers for the brothers in the tv series Supernatural, which they actually joke about in some of the episodes, but.... EW (not for the homosexuality, but for the incest).

It’s too bad you actually had to spell that out, but apparently you did, so I thank you.

Yes. If I recall correctly I have read about that type of thing often. One example would be the actors who played Mulder and Scully on the X-files (early days). The old “will they won’t they” thing has disgusted many actors who just want their performance to be judged on its merits and not whether they and their