
Good catch. I hadn't thought of that either.

I think it actually took a dump before it jumped, but yeah.

Toonces! That would totally make this show worth watching, along with the "Norman Mailer as President" thing. And maybe a new theme song by Marilyn Manson. For realz.

I have wondered that as well. I do enjoy Cole's tattoos, so he has that going for him.

Interesting observation on whether she does the lip thing more in Noah's version. He must see it as sexually provocative or something. Ish.

Oh dear. Raise your hand if you didn't realize that it is fiction.

"Shatnerian" is a perfect description.

Excuse my french, but his show really blows. I hate the theme song so much I have to mute the sound so I don't have to hear it again. Noah is an irredeemable A-hole. I'm only watching to find out who really killed Scotty. They jumped the last shark with the melodrama in this episode. Why is no one reviewing "Davinci's

My favorite bit was the quote that went something like "the worst day is not the one in which we lose someone, because at least then you have something to do, it's all the days after when they are still dead." So very very true.

Worst episode of the series so far.

BD Wong was the most interesting part of this episode. He needs to get more work. Not only was he in drag but somehow believably tall. If I hadn't already seen his name in the credits I would have been racking my brain: "I know I should know who this is.. but who is it?!" Also, did not see the Darlene thing coming.

Because I'm kind of a sap I wanted a slightly happier end than what we got, but I felt the ending to season 2 was more satisfying overall than the ending to season 1.

Dag nabbit. I just got into this show the most recent season and now they are taking it away. Bastards.

Thanks for the closure :)

Stray observation: I know this was not the episode where we were all discussing the Season 2 theme music, but I am watching a Veronica Mars rerun "Poughkeepsie, Tramps and Thieves" and I'm hearing this song that reminds me of True Detective, and sure enough IMDB lists the song as "A Thousand Kisses Deep" by Leonard

So how did the book end?

I think one could overcome their aversion to a food towards a greater end. Humans don't normally relish eating live spiders, but if that was a cure for cancer, we would gobble them happily. That said… More on the subject:…

I've really gotten hooked on this show. I enjoy it's wacky unpredictability.

The Maxx is awesome. I loved the series so much I even own a large fuzzy action figure. Highly recommended for fans of the surreal.
