
Louie mentioned it somewhere (sorry I don't have a link). You can see Louie look at the guy, and he said he was thinking it was a sign from God that the show was going to suck.

Louie mentioned it somewhere (sorry I don't have a link). You can see Louie look at the guy, and he said he was thinking it was a sign from God that the show was going to suck.

I love Jesse said "That's what I called it" (I think), like he called the RV the Crystal Ship from the start.

I love Jesse said "That's what I called it" (I think), like he called the RV the Crystal Ship from the start.

Also, its a great way to show that Catwoman is doing what she needs to do for herself, but she still cares for Batman and feels for him.

Also, its a great way to show that Catwoman is doing what she needs to do for herself, but she still cares for Batman and feels for him.

In my opinion, the best Robin put on film, and is the best way that he could fit in this series. Blake represents everything that the character is about without having to put on yellow tights and run around as 14 year-old with a slightly deranged older gentleman in a Bat suit. Naming him Robin was a little groan

In my opinion, the best Robin put on film, and is the best way that he could fit in this series. Blake represents everything that the character is about without having to put on yellow tights and run around as 14 year-old with a slightly deranged older gentleman in a Bat suit. Naming him Robin was a little groan

Being from New Hampshire, I got super excited as always by a mention of my home state. One correction though: Walt and the waitress were talking about Boston and its great museums, not Manchester.

Being from New Hampshire, I got super excited as always by a mention of my home state. One correction though: Walt and the waitress were talking about Boston and its great museums, not Manchester.

"It's always before or after midnight"
and "…Stay?"

"It's always before or after midnight"
and "…Stay?"

Maybe Kirk Cameron is an evil mastermind and is using his gay friends to overthrow society and become its ruler.

You're afterbirth, Eli. You slithered out of you're mother's filth.

Since when did everyone start watching American Horror Story?

Season 4 could take care of both the saints and BP, though that is more than a year the season would span.