
I get that people are super protective of YOI (a canon gay romance in a sports anime, that is neither played for laughs nor ends tragically? I’m not even shitting you when I say a couple of queer friends of mine were damn nearly in tears over it. And they are both over 30).

Raping for rapings sake.... as apposed to raping for a cause, like charitable raping. Perhaps for Doctors without Borders. It would be awful for him to encounter other rapists in prison who have true motivations and hit them with the equivalent of the shrug emoji.

This has been my mantra as of late. Conservatives prey on our liberal compassion, empathy and circle like vultures around our decency. I am of the opinion fuck them all. I am done being decent to false news conspiracy theorists, fascist, neoconservative mother fuckers that should just get STOMPED.

She is the living embodiment of a shart.

Awww, what a sweet armchair diagnosis. I’m sure I speak for everybody when I say:

I think at this point what we are all saying, is that you are embarrassing yourself and you need to take a seat until you are better informed.

“We guys” actually elected Clinton by 650,000 votes and if you’re from London you can’t exactly claim angels singing from your heights of government. I mean, don’t you have Brexit, Farage, lad culture and something called The House of Lords?!

His life He is the one that got ruined his own life here,” the attorney of Nicholas Mullins told the Associated Press.

Reputable casinos employ telepathic bartenders who can read patrons’ drinking memories. Everyone knows that.

Least we forget Violet Chachki

It’s that look... like when you squeeze out a fart, but maybe shit yourself.

I have no mouth and I must puke.

That could make partial sense if Japan wasn’t involved...

Seriously can’t believe they just ripped my baby out of my womb, stitched it back up, and handed him to me. If I had any respect I would have just died in childbirth like god and Pat Robertson intended.

If you’ve invested your entire, quite literal LIFE in this way of thinking, and you’re reaching the age where you’re starting to worry about your health, about your money, about your husband trading you in, I can see burying your head in the bullshit as some kind of misguided protective stance. Like clapping for

No I definitely I agree, he seems like a sweet dude and I like the stories he tells but I frequently let out an audible, exasperated groan whilst listening to the podcast.

“Elvis, you wanna cookie?” “Mroowww.”

Googling “Woodchipper Rental Glasgow Montana” now

TWIST!!! I’m going to pretend that is what is happening so I can not spend the day rage crying.

At the least she still has to live with a mother that thinks her rapist is not such a bad guy and deserves forgiveness.