
When I was in high school, my family lived in this apartment. This was back in the early-2000s when people still had “computer rooms” in their homes. The whole apartment was shaped like an “I.” The long part of the I was a hallway that ran the length of the apartment; at one end was the door to my parents’ room and at

This took place when I was about 10 years old. My mom had rather quickly filed for divorce, but she only had a part-time job and made very little money, so finding a place to stay that was affordable and available immediately was tough. A friend of hers told her that she and her husband had

Okay, so this is the first real life thing to freak me out in a long time. Here it goes.

Schilling looks like the truck driver at the counter in some diner in the middle of nowhere ready to tell you how the world REALLY works, which they aren’t gonna teach you in some fancy college.

The scroll down:

Politics is not some abstract debate; real people suffer and even die when evil or bad policies are enacted. People who support evil politics are not merely expressing a difference of opinion, they’re revealing the abject nature of their character.

I know you’re getting pushback for this, but I agree on this one. It’s one thing to be friendly, friends even, with someone who disagrees with you—with the uncle or coworker or cousin or whoever who votes or gives money to causes that you oppose. But to be best friends with someone who demonstrably, actively, played a

Motherfucker please. The difference isn’t “I think the marginal tax rate shouldn’t go above 15%.””Point taken, but I believe it should be more like 20%”. Its blacks are criminals and deserved to be treated as such and gays are an abomination. Fuck your glad-handing

Self hating closet case aside, every woman who watched it saw the asshole boss, abusive boyfriend, or mansplaining idiot creeping on them from their worst nightmares. If he hadn’t lost the women vote before surely its catered now?

I love watching you gun nuts get all defensive when I point out that you are the root of the problem.

... its provocation feels like an empty gesture that signifies “edgy” more than actually engaging in substantive questions ...

I can’t get passed how crappy and lazy this work is to even be offended.

I understand that he has words, the best words. I don’t know, maybe someone pointed him towards

I was in there three days ago (visiting from Seattle) and almost all the people volunteering there were black, and the vast majority of the rest were people of color. I saw only a couple of white faces. So, yes. Sorry to ruin your snarky “question”, but the answer is an emphatic yes.

Here’s some shit Jezebel didn’t

Oh, so sad. What a fucking TRAGEDY, that your son will have to ensure everyone he has sex with wants to have sex with him, the HORRORS, the TRAUMA, what is this world coming to!

oh bloobloobloo what about the poor men?

I always make false rape allegations because it makes my life better and easier.

Jesus Christ, the trolls... Fuck off and die lowlife scum.

Theres a huge problem with your community if discussing sexual assault and consent within the community is “polarizing”

So you think people are too slow to think of looking at the source code of a page that’s part of an ARG yet you never thought to toss a word into google and literally click the first link?