I think you flunked anthropology.
I think you flunked anthropology.
The fear of reporting and retaliation.
You could ask these questions about almost any assault or coercion scenario. Most of them don’t involve a gun to the head or someone physically blocking the door. The reasons people stay in uncomfortable situations are psychological. Read some personal accounts from assault survivors if you’re interested in…
Aziz has written about reading body language and social cues in his Modern Romance book. His show and comedy has dealt with the kind of behavior this story describes.
“I been waking up drenched in sweat,” Ansel Elgort sings, after an opening scene in which he wakes up drenched in sweat.
And as far as for at the time of the movie goes, 1995 for most was not even “early internet” it was “what the hell is the internet?” days.
Maybe instead of posting on every single article here they could join me over in the male dominated spaces like reddit where I’m trying to convince young men who are only hearing MRA propaganda that women aren’t their enemy. That might be a lot more helpful than cluttering up a woman’s interest site with things…
But it does though. Have you not been paying attention? Hell, did you not read the article you just commented on? Women are just beginning to grasp the level at which we’ve been systematically been abused, excluded and denied career opportunities due to our gender. The last thing we need are a bunch of male hot takes,…
Celebrity man:
What’s the difference between a man and trash?
I’d be on your side if he wasn’t wearing a pin that said “Time’s Up”. Don’t wear a pin supporting a cause if you don’t even know what that cause is. And expect to be asked about it.
Yeah, people seem to think I posted this in criticism of her. It was actually in criticism of the tweet pointing her out.
They’re all good Doges, Bront
Plus he’s one of those “only STEM matters, humanities and social sciences can go to hell” assholes. My favourite was him asking on Twitter why there’s no field of study on how we acquire knowledge after years of bashing philosophy.
Here’s my case against NdGT:
Man, he really skated away cleanly from those rape allegations, didn’t he? I wonder if it’s because, as another user said, his accuser was a woman of color.
This is the thing I can’t get over about all these posts: Part of being a good host is accommodating restrictions—whether that’s ethical, religious, allergy, or just not liking something. Lots of people don’t like bleu cheese (I love it), so I ask before I make my menu. If I make something that someone can’t or…
Laughing forever at anyone thinking it’d be totally cool to just “bring a dish to share” to a dinner with Contessa Passi de Preposulo. Or better yet, just whipping a banana out of her bag. C’mon. You may dislike the actress for other reasons, but this isn’t anything like visiting your uni bf’s family over winter break…
Could be they have fewer food intolerances because they haven’t been eating processed crap for the last few generations. There’s also gotta be something to eating food from where you’re from and where your people were from, right?
The overwhelming contempt for vegans in general is well-represented in this comment section. It eclipses this “militant vegan with a superiority complex” narrative that I’ve been hearing most of my life.