
I think the police chose this method by design. Their intent was to terrorize protesters and then gaslight them by saying, “No, you didn’t see what you just saw! She was a criminal and this was a legal arrest!” It is in keeping with their abusive nature and terror tactics.

Kate Alen in F-Zero X (N64, 1998) is a black female pilot! There is also a (human) James McCloud in the game.

Well, we’ll see in November, won’t we?  I wouldn’t trust any “I voted for him then but not now” voters to do anything but say one thing and do something completely different when no one’s looking over their shoulder. 

For some reason, I doubt you’re that sorry.

Depends on which lips.

Liberals need a positive, exciting reason to show up to the polls and unify the party.

Now playing

Err, yeah, I mean you can definitely draw new comparisons as AKIRA being about the future of the world but the film is absolutely not shy about its pretext being the bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki, the American Occupation (and the Japanese government’s collusion in keeping secret any wrongdoings), and the failure of

No, for fuck’s sake... It doesn’t. The co2 thing is total horseshit, just like the rest of your posts.

“Some people, a minority hopefully, get headaches because of wearing a mask for too long.”


He is allowed to complain about stereotypes just like everyone else, and he was pretty polite about it, let him vent.  

Should have left it, but added an audio clip of “Black Lives Matter” every time it’s used.

If you’re about to say “But it just means OK you snowflakes!” that was exactly the point. The whole point of gestures like this is so that racist assholes can wink at each other then pretend they were just saying OK when they get called out. 

How was her tone in any way opaque? No one uses “good ole boys club” in a positive way. I know enough women veterans to realize that you get desensitized to sexual harassment in the army. Not in a way that makes you unsympathetic to victims, but in a way where your tone is casual/defeated/empty when talking about that

I know it’s probably a difficult time for Harry Potter fans and they may be starting to get embarrassed about their HP fandom, but if it’s any help, they should have already been deeply embarrassed about being Harry Potter fans.

This is for a Senate seat in Kentucky, Ashley - Not in New York or California...Jesus. Your sentence sums it up perfectly: “She supports the Affordable Care Act and wants to get McConnell out of Congress, what more can we ask for?

To be fair they never sold any tickets, and for PAX West at least those frequently sell out quickly, so it’s not a great idea to be booking flights or hotels without having tickets secured anyway.

Nah. IGN would be “7.8/10 Too much putting”.


Come on Zack. Buy me bonestorm or go to hell!