
Philosopy gives us he intellectual tools we need to understand how we’re thinking about what we’re thinking about.

Ent-D’s janitor pushing their cart through the corridor: “Doop dee do, another day, another subspace anomaly that’s got everyone all hot and bothered. I wish something exciting would happen for once...OH MY GOD”

Just about all of the B-plot next generation episodes are hilarious if you remove all the bridge/conference/ready room scenes and only show what happens in corridors, Ten Forward and other public areas.

Is that Counselor Troi? I just saw her last week, how the hell did she get so pregnant? All holodeck access has been

It would need to have been written by someone else. The scripts for all three movies are absolute trash.

Abrams is a great producer/director. TFA captured so much of the original Star Wars’ experience that it’s a fun ride despite its flaws. Unfortunately, he is not a good writer, apparently more interested in ‘wow’ moments than a satisfying narrative. A sequel trilogy written by Michael Arndt and just directed by Abrams

I'd be willing to give Johnson credit if the story matched, but ep8 is bad. However, if he'd been given the lead for ep7 through 9 instead of just TLJ, then I think we'd all speak different about the sequel trilogy.

Very interesting.
It further adds to the idea that written by George but adapted and directed by a more competent team, the prequels could have been the films we wanted.

At least the Lions’ social media team is winning.

I know everyone is different and people handle tragic things in their own way.

I think her harassment claim from Biden’s office stems from her getting asked to resign or else she’d be fired for writing bad checks. The story was a way to explain to those closest to her why she left her dream job in DC, imo.

As evidence, you need look no further than Reade’s own Twitter timeline. Before she became a big-time Sanders supporter, she strongly supported Biden, including praising his work towards halting violence towards women.

Maybe we should also point out, since this is the actual end-game and saying otherwise is disingenuous at best:

I don’t know if she’s telling the truth or not, but can we stop pretending polygraph tests are anything but bullshit? They certainly aren’t “lie detectors.” 

omfg...just when you thought “what else does this story need -- it’s already riddled with contradictions ASSOCIATED PRESS comes thru with this

It made a fortune (and not a small one, either). It was an easily digestible, easily translatable, very pretty Sci-Fi action film.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie make so much money and then leave so little of a lasting cultural impact.

Why do people think anyone wants this!

If you want some really twisty connective tissue, Matt Hunzinger showed up in a Brian Gilbert quarantine video for Polygon.

I loved the switch last month when Claire hosted “It’s Alive,” and instead of a nervous meltdown she was having a blast making food, explaining how she stole from Brad, and all while holding a baby; meanwhile Brad and Chris did “Gourmet Makes” and just absolutely phoned in the Andes Mints when it started to get