
It’s a thoughtful reply, but I think basically confirms my feeling that the people making Trek simply don’t grant its fundamental premise, that the people and society of Trek are better, or more developed, than our current one. The idea that when tested on its principles the initial reaction of both the Federation and

Don’t forget deciding to go whole hog into practicing what amounts to slavery. We saw over the entire run of TNG and even into Voyager the concept of artificial life still being considered life. That holograms, androids, and even exocomps do count for something in the Federation. The Federation gave up on being the

Just throwing it out there, but you shouldn’t have to defend your show after every episode.

The Federation in Picard isn’t morally grey - they gave up their core values by letting Billions of Romulans die.

Star Trek used to be an escape to a near ideal future that had galactic mysteries and deep characters to explore.

Here’s what I don’t understand though, and I haven’t seen any episode of Picard but the first one, just read the recaps here. It doesn’t sound like Picard is actually focused on dealing with the real fallout of any of those things, but more focused on chasing Picard’s guilt of letting Data sacrifice himself? Also

“If nothing can ever truly test the Federation, if nothing can rock its perfection, then it’s just a magical land.


Essentially, Simone’s Tyranitar was facing two Pokemon, and of the two, the Rhyperior was more dangerous to Simone. One of her options would be to try to take out that Rhyperior as fast as possible and then clean up the Dusclops after. Knowing that, her opponent chose to Protect the Rhyperior, which is a move that

even with the curiously timed release of the Russia shit

I do have great insurance through my job. I want everyone else to have great healthcare coverage, too. 

1.) Is it whitewashing if you’re made Asian?

Now playing

I feel like you’re straight-up begging for this little gem to get linked to.

My collection is already complete Episodes IV-VI Blurays and Revenge of the Sith DVD.  Seems good enough.

This is like how Michael Scott thinks everyone is his friend. 

A24 is the only studio that’s making interesting films. 

This looks great and I am very into Dev Patel as the lead, but Alicia Vikander why ugh, she has like a random 1 in 6 chance of not being rubbish (and sure, when she’s good, she’s great but she usually isn’t).

RE: Jim Carrey

As soon as I heard A24 was making an Arthurian movie, they had my interest. The trailer definitely looks like something I’ll have to try and actually catch in a theater.