
Wrong again, bright boy:


Jesus this guy is a real-life Bond villain. Seriously.

The thing that intrigues me the most is...Where's the after shock? Any explosion that size would have blown the roof off of buildings from miles around. The sound alone from the blast should have been loud enough too bloat out the sound on the video. So what burns bright but makes no sound?

Thats the whole point, and one of the reasons why the aftermath is so appealing to me.

Gosh I love Agent Scully.

With Tywin gone, there is no one remotely qualified to sit on the Iron Throne.

I have no idea what this was but I love - LOVE - the way Russians seem to just keep driving on down the highway when the sky is basically exploding. It was the same during the meteor hit a couple of years ago. Americans - including me - would be pulling over to the side of the road and screaming.

Now playing

you will enjoy this, it's so amazing. "but where is the science in all this, Mulder? " xD

8bit limitation. Not enough power for 3 dragons.

I beat this game on both the easy and difficult settings. My favorite ending was for Tyrion.

Greg I like you but wow you are a real dick in the comments.

Poor Doctor Mann. He started out with the best intentions, but when it became obvious that his mission had failed he just couldn't stand to die alone.

This fucking movie. Evans absolutely kills it, and the school scene is chilling. It's on Netflix, so go out and watch it!

Memento. As the outside viewer you get to see two stories, the story that has been constructed by Leonard in bits and pieces, and the story that is being told through the reconstructed timeline. I love this show.

Yeah, it's SOOOO much better to be told, and to believe without question, that YOU TOO can "rise above" and enter the ranks of the elite! You never will, of course...but it's the thought that counts, right?