
I'm part of an entire generation of unmoderated internet users, and besides the porn addiction, we turned out okay!

I really hope he doesn't end up being "the guy with the tasteless bowling shirt" instead of "the decidedly fashion-challenged scientist whose team landed a rocket on a comet for the first time in human history" forevermore. But the internet is sensationalist, and as you said, it never forgives, never forgets. It

Taylor's tattoo of Philae safely landing on the comet is a far more inclusive method of demonstrating that people from all walks of life and aesthetic sensibilities may be scientists.

All of those hypothetical situations would have still been inappropriate work attire.

I think it was a sad day for humanity when a tacky shirt can in mind of some journalist overshadow such tremendous achievement for humanity. It shows how screwed up priorities for some people are and how egocentric the society has become.

I think we should all be a little ashamed that this man was bullied to the point of public tears and humiliation for a poor sartorial choice. We live in a constant culture of offense, and I think we need to do a better job at discerning what's truly offensive and regressive and what's just silly.

This was the latter,

I agree completely that it wasn't a "work appropriate" shirt. No argument there.

I have an opinion about feminism, & other new/progressive/pc isms that people fixate about these days that I'm not going to share here. I'll just say this though:

I genuinely don't see what is wrong with the original shirt. After hearing about it on the radio, I expected it to be real bad. A sexy woman is not a less empowered woman. All of those women look powerful. They look like they wouldn't take shit. I think this is Americans getting queasy about skin showing. If the

We landed on a comet...and all we give attention to is his shirt choice?

If he'd been gay and worn the one with cowboys people would be slapping him on his back for being proud of his life style choice. If he was a woman and had worn the cowboys one, she'd be applauded for reversing the trend, if she wore the guns and women one, she'd be seen as cheeky.

It's funny how people are calling him to be fired. As if he could be easily replace. Oh, you know genius rocket scientists are a dime a dozen. Just hire one off of craig's list and be done with it

I've mentioned before but that shirt just smacks of trying to0 hard. Like he saw how the world fell in love with Bobak Ferdowski's mohawk when NASA launched the Mars mission and wanted to do one better. But thing is Ferdowski wasn't trying to be cool. He just wanted to celebrate NASA's achievement in a unique way.

I love his original shirt—I want one.

he COULD have worn any number of Cannibal Corpse shirts. That shirt is rather tastefull, comparatively.

You cannot effectively extricate morality and philosophy from religion in the social sense that he means.

Technology as religion is a fascinating concept. I'm having difficulty arguing the point in my head. The psycho-meme that is social media has so many parallels with the social-meme that is religious fanaticism. 100 years ago people in the US would no more go a day without reading in their bibles (the same few worn

I think he's mistaking morality / philosophy with religion. And the first two absolutely have a place in the conversation concerning AI.

Collected gas samples down at the surface, did they?

I got 15 out of 15. I don't know whether to be proud of that or ashamed.