
Not much to say about this episode other than the fact that I found it dreadfully boring.

As someone who grew up in the 70's, "getting some ass" means sex. It could mean any ass, it's a universal term.

Last night's episodes special guest: Rubber.

You could easily replace "little-known Marvel property" with "another Disney behemoth animated adventure". This thing was barely marketed as having any attachment to Marvel.

Yes, it is worth it to see I'm the theater. It's not Prometheus. I walked out of that film hugely disappointed and I'm not even a huge Alien fan. Interstellar makes you think in a good way. If your brain starts to hurt then just sit back and enjoy the view.

One really can't overlook that Interstellar is much, much longer than Gravity and 6, and not benefitting from thousands of 3D screens with the surcharge.

The headline could've been "Interstellar dominates worldwide box office" (which it did by over $50 million). Why didn't you go with that?

What's disturnbing me are these reports I'm reading and hearing from friends is how many supposedly educated Hollywood types buying into this Bullshit from the Jenny McCarthy types.

I'm not sure you even remotely grasp the proportions here. We're not talking about saving pennies. We're talking about saving infinitesimal scraps of pennies. President Obama's 2015 budget proposal is $3.9 trillion dollars. If you wanted to cut that number by even a tenth of a percent, you would have to cancel 390,000

The issue is not completely about the money, though I wonder if there weren't things that were more expensive that should have been on the top 100 wasteful spending of the government. The main problem is that they misrepresent what scientists are hoping to find with these studies and this leads to these studies

$10k on a wetlands conservation program is chump change to the government. Not to mention being a totally worthwhile investment.

Other scientific discoveries as told by Tom Coburn:


If we're going to talk about waste, maybe we should talk about Sen. Coburn's waste of staff time and resources & taxpayer dollars compiling the Wastebook in the first place.

Misbehaving bureaucrats paid millions to do nothing? I guess the senator is finally taking Congress to task...oh.

But we need ANSWERS to the QUESTIONS that have already BEEN answered!!!

Now, now, let's cut the GOP slack. They need more funds for investigation #457 into Benghazi.

What about the DoD? I mean do we really need a more expensive method to kill brown people?