
What do we say to the DeathStar? Not today!

God, no wonder every MCU film has a fundamentally identical plot.

Quick, [Hero]! We have to stop the Flibberty-Woes from getting their hands on the Wizzy-Whatsit, or they'll destroy [the world/the universe/an entire race] with its immense power!

Good thing these movies are fun, but I worry about how long they can keep

There is nothing in the Marvel universe that can stand up to its power, and all the cosmic beings and doohickeys combined couldn't make a dent in it even if they wanted to.

Actually we don't. But we have a lot of of Level 2 Wizards who can cast Mirror Image.

Love the Russian crop of the map - carefully avoiding any possible new border lines in Eastern Ukraine

Canada will respond by posting pictures of that time Russia got ridiculous drunk and acted like a dumbass.

What, you never heard of the Wilhelm World Web?


Plot twist: It's Superman who has the breast cancer.

After credits: surviving Justice League members sit around the table of a sushi restaurant, eating silently. Realize the maki roll they're eating has bits of Aquaman in it. The glumly go on chewing...

"I'm sorry Jimmy. The only way for me to defeat Luthor is to tear off one of your arms and beat him to death with it."

Between this and the shots of Doom's armor in the new FF movie, I fear the much-talked about downfall of the comic book blockbuster may be upon us.

I fully expect Batman V. Superman to end with a doctor looking at Wonder Woman. He says, "It's breast cancer." Roll credits.

Well, 10% IF you're parents are married (presumably happily), you graduate high school, and you're not a minority.

you should engage of hand watering their lawns too.

What a useful, unique and helpful comment you've made.

Replying to bump this out of the greys. This is begging for a citation.

I'm so cynical that I was actually surprised being a white person raised by married parents and getting a 4-year degree actually resulted in that "equal opportunity success" scenario.

Exactly. And the look Bruce gives him after he says that is fantastic.

My favourite was: