
well it is a classic Spider-Man pose.

Part of being a commenter is thinking of funny replies to the articles posted here on IO9. Just seeing the title of the article, and also having read all the posts tearing apart The Strain for taking too long to get its vampire epidemic story line going, that's the first thing that popped into my (admittedly) juvenile

No Witchblade? It's the first thing I thought of, but good call on Hallibel.

Well, if quibbling is on the menu, then stiff collars for men have been detachable for over a hundred years.

Obnoxiously starched collar AND glasses that seem to levitate in front of his face.

Lots of people are firmly, stubbornly rooted in the human superiority complex. A while back there was an io9 story about Russian stray dogs figuring out how to ride the subways, and I posted a throwaway comment about 'I often wonder what my dog thinks when we go for a ride in the car and show up somewhere miles away

Didn't know the NZ rugby team had gotten that bad

I lean left on most issues, but don't agree with marijuana legalization. I support the therapeutic properties of marijuana, but can't they also be achieved without the associated high? There are strains that contain little to no HTC — so to me, that is what should be prescribed. The idea that all of it should be legal

We should be concerned about the rest of the world. We just have to break that damn invading bits of it happen.

How is "The white people on Twitter are fucking idiots." news to anyone? (Full disclosure: I am the whitest guy on Earth, and this is my Twitter account.)

Hey Charlie - read this and I'm not the target audience (at least on most levels.) But it *did* spark some thoughts.

Well...that escalated quickly.

Doesn't it strike anyone as a little hypocritical to argue the case that fanfic erotica is an acceptable turn-on but mainstream porn is something to be reviled? Isn't this just making the case for the mainstream porn enthusiast by railing against it? If freedom of sexual expression is something we truly care about

Sadly, you may be on to something there.

Definitly. Remember they were too radical for Al Qaeda. Plus ISIS sounds like an appropriate name for real life super villains.

I felt this cleans things up nicely.

I think Gladys may have changed her mind at the end, or felt a moment of desperation. There's a big difference between agreeing to walk to your death and actually having stones hitting your face.

I dated a moan hoaxer before.